Healing is Voltage
PH (Potential Hydrogen) is really a measurement of VOLTAGE
Free radicals = molecule that are missing electrons, spins left at the atomic level.
Low voltage - low oxygen - infection - enzyme secreted by bacteria damages your organs, joints, brain, heart valves, anywhere.
Autoimmune disease = bugs having lunch because your voltage thus oxygens are low.
Cell membranes are capacitors = battery packs
1. Who is Jerry Tennant
2. We Need a New Medical Paradigm
3. Healing is Voltage
4. Bowling Ball Syndrome
5. Nutrition
6. Hypothyroidism
7. Cholesterol and Heart Disease
8. Infections
9. Dental Toxins
11.Heavy Metal Poisoning
13.Essential Oils
15.Nitric Oxide
Chapter 3. Healing is Voltage
I begun my journey toward getting well by recognizing that cells are designed to run between pH of 7.35 and 7.45
Requirements for a cell to work properly
Glucose 80-110mg/dl
Temperature 98.6 - 100 F
Blood Pressure 120~140 / 80~90
pH 7.35 - 7.45
Oxygen paO2 > 95%
What I discovered is that pH (potential hydrogen) is really a measurement of voltage.
When electrons are running through a conductor such as a copper wire, they are there or not. If the switch is on, you have an electron donor. If the switch is off, there are no electrons.
However a solution provides a different situation. The solution may be an electron donor or an electron stealer. By convention, if the solution is an electron donor, one puts a minus sign in front of the voltage. If the solution is an electron stealer, one puts a plus sign. For example: +150 millivolts means solution is an electron stealer with 150 millivolts of stealing power. - 200 millivolts means solution is an electron donor with 200 millivolts of donating power. After measuring the voltage of the solution, one can convert that to a logarithmic scale called pH.
A voltage of -400 is the same as a pH of 14.
A solution that is neither an electron donor nor electron stealer is called a pH of 7
Voltage pH
- 400 mV = 14
0 mV = 7
+ 400 mV = 0
Electron stealer --- spins LEFT at the atomic level
Electron donor --- spins RIGHT at the atomic level
You will hear statements such as "all disease occurs when you are acidic." What this is really saying is that all disease occurs when your voltage is low or in an electronic stealer state. Salivary pH is a rough indicator of cellular voltage. Urinary pH is a rough indicator of the voltage in the fluids around cells. When normal, both should be 6.5 pH (they are about 0.8pH unit less than cell pH).
A free radical is a molecule that is missing electrons It is like a mugger looking for someone's purse to steal. What this means is that you must have electrons available to work or your cell will die. An antioxidant is a molecule capable of giving away electrons. Vegetables contain electrons that are good for you. We maintain our health and heal primarily by making new cells. To make a new cell requires a voltage of -50mV (= pH 7.88).
Let's consider my thumb. My thumb is running at a voltage of -25. It is pink, feels fine. Now I hit it with a hammer. The thumb is red, swollen, hot, and ahas a pulsing pain. It has automatically gone to -50mV. At -50mV blood vessels dilate and dump raw materials, fats, vitamins, minerals into the neighborhood. I need -50mV to have the energy to turn the raw materials into new cells.
Let's assume that I ran out of voltage before I was able to make enough new cells to replace those I injured. My voltage dropped to -10 millivolts. Now I am stuck in chronic disease. My thumb hurts all the time, it is white, and it doesn't work well. Thus we see that chronic disease is always defined by having low voltage. Without the ability to achieve -50 mV and the necessary raw materials to make new cells, you cannot maintain your health, and you will suffer aging and chronic disease. You also are unable to repair injuries, so they can also lead to chronic disease.
Remember that at -50 mV, there is a pulsing pain. When you have low voltage, it simply hurts all the time. Thus pain is simply a symptom of abnormal voltage. If you put a tube into a glass of water and began bubbling oxygen int the water, the amount of oxygen that will dissolve in the water is dictated by the voltage of the water. As voltage is raised, more oxygen will dissolve in water. However, as voltage drops, oxygen comes out of solution and leave the water. Our cells are 70% water. Thus as voltage begins to drop in us, oxygen leaves the cells. Thus has serious consequences.
Our cells contain a process for turning fatty acids into glucose. They are processed through a series of chemical reactions called the Krebs cycle.The end result is a rechargeable battery called ATP. As ATP provides electrons to keep the cell functioning, it becomes a discharged, rechargeable battery called ADP. When oxygen is available (for every unit of fatty acids run through the Krebs cycle), we create 38 molecules of ATP. If oxygen is unavailable, only 3 molecules of ATP are created for every unit of fatty acids. Thus it is very difficult for cells to have enough energy to function with such inefficient metabolism.
Another problem of decreased oxygen is infections. Our bodies contain perhaps one trillion microorganisms. However, most of these are inactive as long as oxygen is present. However, when oxygen levels drop, these bugs wake up. Let's assume that you have a Streptococcus bacteria having lunch on your tonsil. You recognize this as a sore painful throat. We all know that the digestive enzymes produced by these Streptococcus bacteria can enter our bloodstream and cause damage to your heart valves, joints. The same process can happen anywhere in the body. Let's assume you have low voltage in your gallbladder. This means that your gallbladder will hurt, have decreased oxygen and inefficient metabolism,nahd have bugs having lunch on the gallbladder. The toxins produced by these bugs an enter the bloodstream and cause brain damage. You may have infections in your large intestine in our sinuses, or other places causing damage an autoimmune problem. It is simply bugs having lunch because your voltage and thus your oxygen levels are low. I have seen a number of patients with a diagnosis of lupus. A blood test called the ANA test is used to make the diagnosis of lupus. If you corrected the voltages n such patients, their symptoms go away and their ANA test goes back to normal. As voltage continues to drop, it will go from an electron donor to electron stealer status. When voltage drops to +30mV, you have cancer.
It is generally taught in Western medicine that the blood is sterile. this is because placing blood into a Petri dish down not normally show growth. Generally, only bacteria that have cell membranes reproduce in Petri dishes. However, if you look at blood under a high-powered microscope without the blood stains or other chemicals, you will easily identify many microorganisms. These microorganisms do not have cell membranes. As voltage and oxygen levels drop and as toxins build up in the system, you will see these organisms change from spherical to rod-shaped to yeast-like and finally fungus with hyphae. The association of finding fungal-like forms in the blood with the development of tumors was reported as long ago as 1840. Although the existence of these forms has generally been denied by most microbiologists and oncologists, the development of the German microscipe known as the Ergonom makes these denials no longer credible.
How do cells Normally Get Voltage?
Earth is a large electromagnet. An area of high voltage always causes electrons to flow to an area of low voltage. If your body has lower voltage than the earth, walking barefoot on the dirt or grass will cause electrons to flow from the earth into your body, recharging you. Water from the ground contains electrons. We call this "alkaline water." However when chlorine and fluoride are placed in the water it turns into an electrons stealer. If you stick a voltmeter into a raw potato, you will measure voltage. However, if you bake a potato or freeze the potato and then insert the voltmeter, most of the voltage will be gone. Unprocessed food contains voltage. When you eat food that has been processed, your body must provide electrons from other source to digest it. Moving water is always an electron donor. Still water is an electron stealer. Thus taking shower will energize me whereas taking a bath will make me tired. Moving air is an electron stealer. Thus people often feel tired if they sleep under a fan.
If you take a quartz crystal and squeeze it with a pair of pliers, it will emit electrons. This is called the piezoelectric effect. Our muscles are piezoelectric crystals.
Thus when we exercise, our muscles create electrons. The muscles are also rechargeable batteries. Thus the movement of our muscles re-charges our muscle batteries. Exercise is a major way the body acquires electrons. There is a pump within the skull and down the spine called the craniosacral pump. Each time this pump activates, it sends a surge of electrons through the body.
How Do Cells Store Electrons?
Cell membranes are made up of opposing layers of fats called phospholipids. This unusual fat is made up of a ball with two legs. The ball is an electron conductor. The legs are insulators. Anytime two conductors are separated by an insulator, you have an electronic device called a capacitor. Capacitors are designed to store electrons. Thus cell mbmbranes serve as "battery packs" for cells.
Liquid Crystals
Dr. Bruce Lipton recently discovered that the cell membrane also serves as a liquid crystal. The molecules in solid things stay in one location.
An example of a solid is a crystal. However in liquids, the molecules move about. In some substances called liquid crystals, the molecules can move about but act like solids. This means that liquid crystals are neither a solid nor a liquid. We are basically saying " liquid solid." Liquid crystals are influenced by electric current and /or temperature.
Certain liquid crystals have elements that are twisted. When one applies electricity to these liquid crystals, they begin to unwind. One can use this characteristic to use them to either block the passage of light through them or allow the light to pass. This depends upon whether that elements are twisted or untwisted. The phospholipids that make up a cell membrane have legs that can twist or untwist to permit light or water or other molecules to be blocked or pass though the cell membrane. They open and close depending upon the voltage applied.
The elements carbon, silicon, and germanium are called semiconductors. Each has four electrons in their outer shell.
This allows each atom to attach the your other atoms in a nice crystalline structure called a lattice.
The carbon lattice is called a diamond.
Carbon, sillicon, and germanium in their crystal state are electronic insulators. Because they do not have free electrons (all are bonded to each other), they insulate rather than conduct electricity. However, one can turn these insulators into what we called "semiconductors" by adding impurities to the crystals. This process is called 'doping."
Arsenic and phosphorus each has five outer shell electrons. When you place one of them into a lattice of carbon silicon, or germanium, there is an extra electron per set of four atoms. This extra electron can move from place to place turning the insulating crystal into a "semiconductor' that allows some electric current to flow through it.
Since this semiconductor has a negative charge, it is called an "N-type." If you add boron or gallium to a crystal of carbon silicon, or germanium, you have a different kind of semiconductor. Since boron and gallium each have only three electrons in the outer shell, binding them to carbon silicon or germanium creates a hole in the lattice work. This hole searches for electrons and accepts electrons that wonder by. This creates a positive charged semiconductor called a P-type semiconductor.
when you place a negative and a positive semiconductor against each other, you have semiconductor against each other you have what is called a diode. What is unique about a diode is that it allows electric current to flow in one direction but not the other. i is a one-way street for electric current whereas conductors like copper allow the electric current to flow in either direction.
To understand the ionization energy, you must first understand what an "Ion" is. An ION is created when a neutral atom gives or receives an extra electron. When an atom gains or loses electrons, it changes its charge. For example, a Chlorine atom can accept an electron in the equation below:
Cl + e- --> Cl-
Notice the chlorine atom went from having no charge to having a -1 charge.
In other instances an atom will lose an electron as is seen below with a Sodium atom. In this case, when the sodium atom loses the electron it gains a +1 charge.
Na --> Na+ + e-
Once an atom has completed an electron transfer, it is no longer considered an atom. Instead, we now refer to it as an ION of that element. Atoms can only be neutral. Ions can only be charged. Compounds that are made up of ions are called "ionic compounds."
The size of the ion is different from the size of the atom. As you add electrons, the ion gets larger and as you subtract electrons, the ion gets smaller. This can easily be explained if you think about the repulsion forces you create each time you add an electron to an atom. With each new electron, the repulsion forces increase. Thus, the electrons around the ion are occupying a larger volume. However, when you remove electrons, the inner shells of electrons become the valence shell and thus your ion is smaller.
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are positively charged molecules containing oxygen that are capable of reacting with other molecules. You can think of them as bullies looking for a fight: When they have the opportunity to interact with another molecule, they will. They contribute toward what is called oxidation, a chemical reaction that reads to damage like rust on metal or browning of a fresh cut apple. They are also a natural byproduct of many of the cellular process that happen in your body, like digestion. Unfortunately, ROS and the interactions they have with other molecules are often harmful, especially when there is overabundance of them inside you body. ROS, for instance, are thought to contribute toward DNA damage that then leads to Cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, fragile X syndrome, Sickle Cell Disease, lichen planus, vitiligo, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, and premature aging, etc. This damage caused to cells is termed oxidative stress. Certain activities such as drinking alcohol, smoking, getting a sunburn increase the amount of oxidative stress on a biological organism. Scientists hypothesize that this is the reason why organisms age in the free radical theory of aging.
Because the majority of Reactive Oxygen Species which occur in an organism everyday are from normal cell metabolism (when cells convert chemical energy in the food into the energy used to sustain life) scientists have discovered that when an organism's daily intake of calories is reduced with adequate nutrition, this result in longer maintenance of youthful health and an increase in both median and maximum lifespan. They hypothesize that because there are less free radicals generated by cell metabolism when the diets are restricted, this leads to less aggregate free radical damage over time. This is the same hypothesis of the alkaline diet and ionized water. Bu eating a diet high in antioxidants the body experiences a significantly less net total amount of free radical damage.
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is the term that refers to the ability of substances to reduce the amount of damage caused by oxidation, and this is how drinking alkaline water benefits your body. ORP is a measurement of substance's ability to fight the damages caused by ROS. You can think of ORP as the ability to stand up to the bullies.