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Göbekli Tepe with Andrew Collins

Season1 Episode 4: March 2015

📝Gobekli Tepe - estimated to have been built around 9,500 BC. and was buried around 8,000 BC.

Huge cave systems beneath the pyramids of Giza plateau which I discovered with colleagues in 2008. I took it to the authority, the Council of Antiquities in Egypt, Dr. Zahi Hawass, and sat down with him. He denied that these cave existed, saying he knows everything and amateurs like us cannot have discoveries, even though I was giving him photographs to show him. Within 6 months he was recording a series called "Chasing Mummies," where he was actually inside those caves saying it's the most incredible experience he'd ever had at Giza.

This is massive. This is a whole cave complex that actually flows all the way beneath the Plateau and probably goes beneath the second pyramid, which is the highest point on the Plateau. By some reason nobody knew it was there and it's within the shadow of the Great Pyramid. This was 5 years of research trying to pin down the exact location going from old journals and accounts that was nearly 200 years old.and realizing that a few explores had actually managed to find the entrance into this cave system in the early part of the 19th century and then suddenly nothing. They were certainly carved by water over hundreds of thousands of years maybe millions of years, however they would seem to have been enhanced by human hands. There are sort of very primitive marks, symbolic forms which clearly shows the human action.

Also, certainly part of them would seem to have been used as some kind of necropolis for birds. There was obviously some kind of god form or goddess form associated with the entrance area, which is now known as the Tomb of the Birds. Evidence has been found there of the internment of birds. This was reported back in the mid 19th century. One report actually talk about finding these bird mummies and removing them. And that along with the other journal account from the early part of the 19th century that made us realize that there was something that everybody else had missed and was certainly not to be found in any academic paper of book or anything. At the end of that 5-year research, we found the entrance into the cave system and explored it. It was full of bats, by the way. We explored it a certain distance.

It's very possible that the stories of the existence of these caves almost certainly influenced the fact that the pyramids were actually constructed where they were on the Plateau because the ancient name of Giza is Rostau, which means basically, the entrance into underground chambers or caves or something, which suggests that there was a connection between the actual placement of the whole pyramid field and the existence of the caves and that the caves were seen as some kind of entrance into so-called Duat, the otherworldly underworld environment that ancient Egyptians believed that the soul had to pass through before it could rise up into the afterlife amongst the stars.

Zahi Hawass, ended up calling it Collin's caves. He gave me some kind of credit. I'm not worried because he was the boss of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. It was his job to deny that they existed. I'm glad Zahi Hawass going into those caves and experienced it for the first time and record his reaction to going in them. He saw how marvelous these were and how incredible a discovery it was. It was almost like I was vindicated. If I get the credit, great. If I don't, I understand the system.

In the early 1990s Dr. Robert Schock of Boston University looked at the weathering of the Sphinx monument, which sits on the eastern edge of Giza Plateau, and also the enclosure walls around it and realized that the weathering could not have been done by wind erosion, as had been popularly believed up to that point by Egyptologists, but almost certainly had been caused by water precipitation, i.e. rain coming down running along the plateau, going into the inclosure under the body of Sphinx. If you look at it, it's obvious.

Dr. Shock tried to estimate when that amount of rain would have fallen in the area of the Nile. He went back, maybe 5,000 ~ 6,000 BC. Other assessment suggests that it goes back as early as 10,500 BC. There are a lot of speculation about that. There's no actual date that we can sort of pull out but certainly older. Myself and various other ancient mystery writers ran with this story back in the 1990s, and it was going out on a leg because there was no real evidence of civilization being that old other than myths and legends, speculation, perhaps even forerunners of ourselves that had written about these sort of subjects.

Then in my own area, I've been writing the origin of civilization and looking into Hebrew legends relating the Garden of Eden being an actual location the "terrestrial Paradise," which it does seem to have been, and it seems to have been located in the area of Eastern Anatolia, what is modern Asiatic Turkey. And the four rivers of paradise were said to have taken their rise from the Garden of Eden.

Two of these rivers are easily identified as Euphrates and the Tigris, and both of those rise in the area we're talking about here in Eastern Anatolia. And this same area is the cradle of civilization, a number of the firsts for humanity all occurred here...everything from agriculture, to animal husbandry, to metallurgy, to the first structured buildings, even down to the first beer and the first wine were all thoughts to have originated from this area.

The other two rivers are in sort of debate, but one of them is almost certainly the Araxes River, also known as the Aras, which flows eastwards from the same area of eastern Anatolia into the Caspian Sea. The fourth river --- there is more of a debate over that but the best evidence seems to be that it's the Great Zab River, which, again, flows from eastern Anatolia and actually empties into the Tigris in Iraq and the two become one, but it's a big river in it's own right. All four of them rise within a sort of 50 to 100 mile area which is pretty close considering the rest of the world.

And quite clearly something fundamental was happening, something was changing here, probably around 9,000 BC, a time that is known to scientists as the Neolithic Revolution, a time which was seen as a point of change within the climate, the climate warmed. You had this revolution in agriculture and other things and this eventually led to the rise of civilization.

You've also got, in this very same area, the myths relating to these wisdom-bringers, these angels known as Watchers in a text known as the Book of Enoch. They're also mentioned in other early Hebrews text as well. What it said is that they guarded the Garden of Righteousness of the Garden of Eden. They lived in Paradise, basically, which obviously conceive as being somewhere in the sky, but I began to realize that this was probably referring to a physical location somewhere in Eastern Anatolia.

It was said that the Watchers not only descended among mortal-kind, i.e. ourselves, and took wives for themselves who produced giant offsprings, who who are referred to in the text as Nephilim, but they also revealed the arts and sciences of heaven to their mortal wives and others. These arts and sciences of Heaven corresponds pretty well to the firsts for humanity that all took place in the areas of Eastern Anatolia. So what I suggests is that the Watchers, these human angels who are described as extremely tall with quite pale skin, pale hair, elongated faces described as like vipers or snakes on occasions, with these piercing eyes, which are eyes that are said to sort of like radiate out almost like the sun, that they were actually a memory of some kind of elite that had come into the area of Eastern Anatolia and taken control on the development of humanity in this region. And the way that they were remembered by the people in this region end up becoming the myths and legends relating to the Watchers, the angels, who gave this wisdom to humanity. By the way, those that gave this wisdom to humanity were the ones that became the rebels. These were the rebel angels, also they became the fallen angels, because it was believed that they'd fallen from grace basically.

There were 200 of them according to the Book of Enoch. Then their offspring starts to become cannibals, they start eating people. That's what the Book says. What the reality of that is, who knows? What's said is the offsprings, these Nephilim, were rounded up and all killed, many of them still as babies apparently as well. and their Watcher parents sort of forced to watch this first infanticide of human history. And the revel Watchers were rounded up and incarcerated. This was something allegedly witnessed by the writer of the Book of Enoch, Enoch himself, although it's unlikely to have been penned by this character of biblical history.

Although we can se these as myths, they are very similar to other myths that exists in the same region for instance, to do with the Anunnaki, the gods of heaven and earth in Sumerian and Babylonian tradition, which obviously relates to the country of Iraq more specifically. It's said that the Anunnaki also have these piercing eyes like snakes. They are also described as serpentine in nature. The text say that they lived originally on this holy mound known as Duku, and that the Duku mound was situated on a sacred mountain called Kharsag, and that it was from this position that they gave to humanity the first sheep and grain. Quite clearly the sheep is a reference to animal husbandry, which we know took place in Eastern Anatolia. And the grain clearly is a reference to the foundations of agriculture in the very same area. It's said that the Annunaki lived on Kharsag, and that they help humanity create the first cities. They helped them irrigate the land, first irrigation channels and things like this. Clearly they are seen as semi-divine at least figures, but somehow interact with mortal-kind, again, to give them the knowledge to found civilization.

And there are other accounts from Persia, ancient Iran. They talk about the Immortals doing similar things. So similar legends coming from exactly the same area. I ran with all these ideas in a book called "From the Ashes of angels," which was published originally 1996 and basically saying that something big went on in this area. We don't know exactly who these people were. We don't exactly know where they came from, but they clearly came from the outside into this region and took over the show. They were an elite. They either worked with of controlled the local population. From this connection, this trafficking between these two different types of human, civilization eventually arose.

What I didn't know at that time is that Gobekli Tepe had just been discovered. This was something that was not made public until year 2000. What Gobekli Tepe is, essentially is, if you can imagine Stonehenge in England, if you then multiply that by let's say 20 times and then cover the stones in beautiful carvings of animals and make them human-like appearance with T-shaped terminations at the top, and create these enclosures around them and put them on a mountaintop and then bury the 10,000 years ago. It seems as if these structures go back to probably around 11,500 years when they would seem to have first erected.

The important thing about Gobekli Tepe is the fact that it was buried around 10,000 years ago. Whereas there are many other megalithic sites around the world which could date to this age, they've not been covered up. They've not been preserved like a time capsule. That's the big difference with Gobekli Tepi. So what the archeologists are revealing from beneath this layer cake of layer cake of activity is something that's absolutely unique because it's pristine. These enclosures, these megalithic monuments, are something which tell us that monumental architecture was being constructed as early as 9,500 BC. This is the type of time frame that some people associate the age of the Sphinx. Those like myself and Dr. Robert Schoch and Graham Hancock and various other people who were suggesting that civilization was much older. Even just in the last year or so the science magazine "New Scientist" ran a front-page story saying civilization much older. So academia does catch up eventually, but it might take 20 years.

I think the concept of Book of Enoch being that humanity trafficked with fallen angels was something that was abhorrent to the early Christian church, anathema, quite literally. And the accompanying book which was known as the Book of Giants, which is the extended story of the Nephilim themselves or those that survived the initial infanticide, these were just removed and destroyed. In fact, we didn't have a full copy of the Book of Enoch until the 18the century, when a Scottish explorer by the name of James Bruch went to Ethiopia and actually found three copies snd brought them back to Europe and they were translated. It was such a shock for European society and it seriously affected the development of certain type of Christian churches, who were very sort of anti-demons, anti-devil.

Prologue by David

These Watchers may very well have colonized our planet in the past. And this Atlantian catastrophe that, happened over 10,500 BC. (according to Graham Hancock) wiped out most of them.

The legend of the Garden of Eden may actually have been that the positive being called Elohim seeded a humanity here on Earth that was distinctly indigenous to our planet, and drove off these Watchers.


The Watchers with Andrew Collins

Gaia TV Disclosure with David Wilcock - Season1 Episode 8: April 2015

📝 Gobekli Tepe area (South East of Anatolia) is possibley the location of:

• Garden of Eden and creation of Adam and Eve

• Introduction of agriculture and animal husbandry (9,000 B.C.)

• Birthplace of Abraham

📝 The Watchers are likely to be:

• The builder of Gobekli Tepe

• The elite race, the giants, the race of elongated skull

• The gods in mythology of different cultures

David: I would like to focus on the subject of the Anunnaki and the subject of the giants and the skeletons and the actual archaeological evidence that has been found. We were talking about the Book of Enoch in the previous episode and that's a very very important point. It's ancient, comparable to the Book of Genesis in its age.

Earliest forms of both of those books come from exactly the same place, that's the Dead Sea Scrolls. Although the material form of the dead Sea Scrolls only date to maybe the 1st century B.C. The form that they take suggests that they probably go back to at least 200 to 300 B.C. Now that sound like a long time ago but that's in their current form. But what's quite clear is that the Book of Enoch is made up of much earlier texts, one of which is the title known as Book of Noah. Book of Noah clearly predates all of these, and almost certainly was constructed in the area that we now know as Eastern Anatolia, which is also known as Northern Mesopotamia, whether just as an oral book at that point.

Most of these ideas were brought into Canaan, the promise land of God, as it were, by Abraham, and his family and other proto-Israelites. Because they began their journey in Southeast Anatolia. Gobekli Tepe is just 8 miles from the city of what's today Sanliurfa, which was the ancient city of Odessa in the Bible. It's also Ur of the Chaldees, the place Abraham was born. There's a cave shrine still there today where thousands of Muslim people come to revere the birth of Abraham. It's fully believed by the people of Turkey, this is where Abraham was born.

Although you'll find in the history books that Sir Leonard Wooley investigated a city called Ur in Southern Iraq, which is considered to be Ur of the Chaldees, I think that's absolutely wrong because the actual folklore of tradition surrounding where Ur, where Abraham was born, is in Southeaset Anatolia, just a few miles away from Gobekli Tepe.

The importance here is that Abraham was the patriarch who brought the ideas of the proto-Israelites into Canaan, where they established themselves and where the Bibles was eventually formulated. So we know that these early idea came from the very area of Gobekli Tepe themself, and that's very very important. This could be actually be the original human nursery. It is the original Garden of Eden. Creation story is that human were created here.

There 's something that I only found last year. That's the fact that one of the names of Sanliurfa in the past was Adamna, which measn the place of Adam. It's not even in my book. Even the lead archeologist that was doing all the work at Gobekli Tepe --- professor Klaus Schmidt, who sort of rediscovered it in the 1990s and worked there through until his unfortunate and quite sudden death earlier this year. He has linked this site not only with the Garden of Eden, but also with the Watchers of the Book of Enoch, and also Anunnaki.

He actually suggested that this mountaintop on which Gebkli Tepe is placed was the original Duku mound, the place where Anunnaki were born, it was said --- the place where they gave humanity the first grain, the first sheep, which is a reference almost certainly to the origins of agriculture and animal husbandry, which both took place in this region around 9,000 B.C.

Who are the Watchers? What are they?

The evidence tend to suggest that they were very striking in appearance, to start with. And they're said to almost have a glow about them, their hair was described as white. Although these are sort of iffy way of describing it. Clearly you're describing a type of people and if indeed they were the founders of civilization and the Garden of Eden, then they are probably an elite that came into the region of Eastern Anatolia from somewhere else.

The evidence suggests they came from the north, from the area of what is today Central Russia. They were part of a culture that existed just prior to the foundation of Gobekli Tepe, who stretched from the Carpathian Mountains in Central Europe right the way across to some of the big rivers in Central Russia, and possibly even with links as far East as the Ural Mountains. They were known as the Swiderians. This term refers not so much their appearance necessarily, but to the tradition of their stone technology, which was extremely advanced.

These people were the earliest miner. They were possibly some of the earliest astronomers. They had this incredible technology --- they were building structure, log houses. More important is that anatomically, they seem to have been slightly different to us. They seem to have belonged to a type of human which was a hybrid. We are not talking here about alien hybrids. We're talking about the admixture between two different types of human --- one being ourselves, anatomically modern humans, which we see as Homo sapien sapiens --- and another type of human or hominid that seems to have been Neandethals. The evidence seem to suggest that Neandethals have been more intelligent than the earliest humans when they arrived in Europe about 40,000 ~ 45,000 ears ago and that we actually inherited from them, both verbally also probably genetically. A lot of their ideas relating to the importance of creativity, of art, and dreams, and magic, connections with the sky world, with the stars, and the contact with the otherworldly realms.

And this admixture, created a new type of being --- something that was not just human, but that was very tall, had extremely long heads --- these people were quite tall. They came south at the time of a cataclysm known as Younger Dryas event, which seems to involve a comet impact around 10,900 B.C., which caused fire and flood of the sort which is recorded in biblical tradition, but also a mini Ice Age that lasted for 1,300 years, which pushed people further south.

Almost certainly people were pushed down between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, down the Caucasus Mountain, and end up in Eastern or Southern Anatolia. In that area Gobekli Tepe then rises from nothing basically. It's my opinion that Gebekli Tepe was created by human hybrids --- admixtures between Neanderthals + anatomically modern humans, and they look striking.

Because they look so different, the local population remember these encounters as the stories of the Watchers and the Anunnaki and the immortals of Iranian myth and various other gods --- even those gods of Olympus.

These gods, these immortals, these human angels are really human hybrids, in my opinion.

These giants sere not humans with some kind of genetic disorder. This was a race of giants. First European explores, like de Soto, were actually encountering giant characters when they were going into the Native American villages in 16 ~17 century. The best evidence so far is that they are a mixture of anatomically modern humans + probably Denisovans in this case. Denisovans existed probably 30,000 ~ 40,000 ago and arguably much later, and there are many different populations particularly in East Asia, and in Australia, Melanesia, have quite a high percentage of Denisovan DNA even to this day. And various Native American tribes also have Denisovan DNA in them.

It would be my best bet that the giants are some kind of hybrid between Denisovan and Homo sapiens. To back this up, I would say that the Denisovans themself seem to have been the descendants of an even earlier type of human known as Homo heidelbergensis, who was a hominid that existed in Europe, in Africa, in parts of Asia as well. There are records of bones of Homo heidelbergensis being found that at least 7 ~71/2 feet tall. That make was almost certainly that height. Denisovans' teeth are double the size of our teeth.

We have the DNA of Neandethals in us, of Denisovans, and some way we resonate that. There are traditions existing today relating to survivors of the Watchers.

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