Medical Medium
Type 2 Diabetes and Hypoglycemia
The fundamental fuel for your body is glucose, a simple sugar that provides all your cells with the energy they need to function, heal, grow, and thrive. The central nervous system runs on it, as does every organ in the body, including the heart. Glucose is what we use to build and sustain muscle, and it performs vital functions.
Cells need help from your pancreas to access the glucose. Pancreas constantly monitors your bloodstream. When it detects a rise in glucose, it responds by producing insulin. Insulin attaches to cells and signals them to open up and absorb the glucose from your blood.
● allows your cells to get the energy they need.
● ensures your blood glucose levels remain stable.
If your bloodstream has more glucose than your cells can consume (e.g. heavy meal with a lot of fat combined with sugar), insulin directs the extra glucose to be stored in your liver. At some later point when your glucose levels run low --- for example, in between meals, or during periods of intense physical activity --- your liver will release stored glucose your use by cells.
It starts to go wrong if:
● your pancreas fails to produce enough insulin when it's needed.
● some of your cells start refusing to let the insulin attach.
When either of these problems occur, not enough glucose is removed from your blood by your cells. Your body will expel some of the excess glucose in urine, which may cause you to:
urinate more frequently ---> dehydrate you ---> make you feel thirsty.
If you have type 2 diabetes, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms.
Unusual thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination: this is because your body is using up water to expel excess glucose via your urine.
Blurry vision: as you become dehydrated, your body may pull water from the lenses of your eyes to help flush out the excess glucose.
Unusual hunger: this is because your cells aren’t getting all the glucose they need to feed themselves.
Fatigue and irritability: as you’re not getting the energy you normally do when your cells are fully fueled with glucose.
Digestive problems: your pancreas doesn’t just make insulin; it makes enzymes to help your body break down foods. If your pancreas is underperforming, this creates not only an insulin deficiency but also an enzyme deficiency, making it harder for your body to digest anything.
Hypoglycemia: these energy lows— blood sugar drops that occur as often as every other hour— are the result of weakness of the liver and under-active adrenals.
The causes of both type 2 diabetes and hypoglycemia typically begin with the adrenal glands. If you’re continually operating in crisis mode and aren’t able to physically burn off the corrosive adrenaline saturating the tissues of your organs and glands, the adrenaline can eventually do serious damage.
Your entire body is damaged by chronic floods of negative-emotion-based adrenaline. Especially if you eat when you're emotional, your pancreas will produce insulin that mixes with the adrenaline in your blood, leading your body to associate the insulin with the fear-based adrenaline that's hurting it. Over time, this can make many of your cells "allergic to your adrenaline/insulin blend cause them to shun both hormones. Medical research hasn't yet uncovered this "Frankensulin" hybrid (as I call it), nor has it understood that the physical body revolts in this way. It's one of the primary causes of pancreatic weakness, which leads to
● lowered insulin production and

● nonacceptance of glucose in the body's cells.
Heavy, rich meals can trigger excess adrenaline. Then, you can have adrenal fatigue, in which your unstable adrenals are sometimes producing too little adrenaline and sometimes producing way too much. This can batter your pancreas as it becomes inflamed to compensate for dry spells of adrenaline and then gets scorched by floods of it.
A precursor to type 2 diabetes is a fluctuating but low glucose level (hypoglycemia). This can occur if your liver becomes impaired in its ability to store and release glucose.
Break up the chaga into smaller chunks, roughly 1 inch in size. In a 1 litre pot of water, drop in a handful of chunks and bring to a boil. ... Strain the tea into a mug and add some maple syrup or honey to taste.
Benefit From One of the Most Powerful Antioxidant Natural Products in the World.Drink a few cups of Chaga tea per day to reduce oxidizing molecules in your body, one of the keys to maintaining health.
Enhance Your Immune System Packed with anti-inflammatory ingredients like polysaccharides, betulin, triterpene and lupeol which are known to strengthen your immune system and promote well-being.
Full of Natural Minerals and Vitamins. Also a great source of wild grown key minerals and vitamins such as zinc, iron, manganese, copper, calcium and potassium, Chaga is an all natural multi-vitamin Make a Good-Tasting Tea or A Great Addition to Your Daily Smoothie. Brewed slowly to get maximum benefit, Chaga tea has a nice woodsy taste which can be enhance by adding lemon, honey or mint
Re-Use Several Times To Get The Most Value. Chaga chunks can be used 4-5 times to brew tea, still providing useful ingredients and making the cost per cup of tea quite economical.
Create Wonderful Incense. Dry your used Chaga chunks and burn as a natural incense. Creates a lovely scent around the house.
LEMON BALM TEA (with fresh or dried leaf)
1 heaping tablespoon of dried leaves or 2 tablespoons of fresh leaves for each cup of boiling water
(or make sun tea by placing herbs and cool water in covered jar in the sun for a few hours) strain add honey and, or lemon.
Amazon Review
Helps me sleep better than sleeping meds
By katespadecase on November 6, 2013 Flavor Name: Lemon Balm TeaSize: Pack of 1 Verified Purchase I am a nurse who works rotating day/night shifts and have trouble falling asleep when switching from night shifts to day shifts. I started drinking this tea because I read that it helps induce sleep. Since I have started drinking this tea to help me sleep, I have been taking half of the sleeping meds (only melatonin and benadryl) that I have been taking for years because this helps me sleep. I am very impressed! Highly recommend to at least try (this is only $5) if you have sleeping problems! 1 Comment 52 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse
starsLoved it!
By V.Z. on June 7, 2010 Flavor Name: Organic Dandelion RootSize: 6 Pack Verified Purchase I love this tea very much. It smells good and it tastes good. I drink a cup every morning before breakfast and before going to bed. It has helped me to get rid of a lot of excess water....I feel so much lighter and I have lost 10 lbs since I began drinking it a month ago. It's especially good for the liver and for the makes you pee a lot, which is very good. I recommend this tea to everyone. 2 Comments 147 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse
Really works!
By ConstantLearning on November 3, 2013 Flavor Name: Hawthorn with HibiscusSize: Pack of 1 Verified Purchase My husband began drinking this tea daily after several episodes of cardiac arrest. He was already taking a Hawthorn capsule but added this to the mix. His heart was severely damaged and the function very limited. This tea, along with some other supplements and rigorous exercise, we believe, really helped his heart regain its strength. It went from 10-15% to 50% in about 4 months. Every morning, he brews it with a Hibiscus tea bag I've also reviewed on Amazon. He enjoys the taste AND the benefit. It's been about 18 months now. We have it set for auto-ship so we never run out. Comment 64 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse
Wonderfull tea
By Andy on August 15, 2013 Flavor Name: Lemon Balm TeaSize: Pack of 1 Verified Purchase My family has been drinking lemon balm tea for 100's of years and it's just so good for you. it helps your relax and helps with stomach ache. My little grandmother still drinks this and she is 104 years old so it can't be bad.. so relax and enjoy a cup.
Use fresh cabbage. The better your ingredients, the better the finished product will be.
Use at least some salt. Salt is a traditional ingredient in sauerkraut because it increases shelf life, texture, and flavor. The amount of salt used can vary according to personal taste preference. We recommend 1 to 3 Tbsp. per quart of water.
Create an anaerobic environment. This is an absolute essential in the sauerkraut-making process. The cabbage must be completely submerged underneath a brine in order for the lactic acid bacteria to proliferate. This is important for protecting your ferment from unwanted bacteria (or mold). Fermentation weights can help keep your cabbage submerged.
Give it time. You can ferment sauerkraut for only a few days before moving to cold storage, but giving sauerkraut a lower temperature and longer fermentation time can develop the flavor and texture a little better. We suggest letting it ferment for 2 weeks, though experimenting with time and taste is the best way to determine what time frame works best for you.
Thinly slice cabbage, salt it, then pound it with a tool such as the Cabbage Crusher or Pickle Packer for about 10 minutes, or until enough juice is released to form a brine and completely cover the cabbage.
Move the cabbage and juice to fermentation containers, weight the cabbage down to keep it below the brine. Cover with tight-fitting lids, airlock lids, or a tight-weave cloth, secured with a rubber band.
Place shredded cabbage and salt in a large fermentation crock or bowl. Instead of pounding, weigh the cabbage down with heavy bowls or stones. Press on the weights regularly to draw the natural juices out of the cabbage and submerge the cabbage slowly in the brine.
After a couple of days, with continued pressing, the cabbage will have accumulated a fair amount of liquid at the top, enough to cover the cabbage completely.
In this method the cabbage is not shredded or sliced prior to fermenting. Since whole cabbage heads cannot form their own brine fast enough to protect them from mold and unwanted yeasts a brine is generally created then used for fermenting.
While this method is the least labor-intensive, it takes the longest. Four weeks or more are necessary before moving to cold storage because of the size of the cabbage heads.
Below you'll find our basic sauerkraut recipe. This recipe utilizes the pounding and kneading method. It is a great place to start for anyone just beginning to explore fermented vegetables.
Once you've mastered the basics, you can vary this recipe by adding other vegetables, herbs, and spices. Or use one of our sauerkraut recipes for inspiration.
1 Medium Head of Cabbage
1-3 Tbsp. sea salt
Chop or shred cabbage. Sprinkle with salt.
Knead the cabbage with clean hands, or pound with a potato masher or Cabbage Crusher about 10 minutes, until there is enough liquid to cover.
Stuff the cabbage into a quart jar, pressing the cabbage underneath the liquid. If necessary, add a bit of water to completely cover cabbage.
Cover the jar with a tight lid, airlock lid, or coffee filter secured with a rubber band.
Culture at room temperature (60-70°F is preferred) for at least 2 weeks until desired flavor and texture are achieved. If using a tight lid, burp daily to release excess pressure.
Once the sauerkraut is finished, put a tight lid on the jar and move to cold storage. The sauerkraut's flavor will continue to develop as it ages.
For a more complex flavor add caraway seeds (to taste).
Prior to culturing, you can also mix 1 part other vegetables or ingredients (shredded carrots, apples, etc.) with 5 parts cabbage to vary the recipe.
Chlorophyll is the lifeblood of plants, and is known as an important part of a healthy human diet. Foods rich in chlorophyll include any dark green leafy vegetable or herb. By combining cabbage with collard greens and fresh parsley, this kraut packs an extra punch of chlorophyll.
1 large head green cabbage
2 bunches fresh parsley
2 small, or 1 very large, bunch of fresh collard greens
4 garlic cloves
Juice of 1/2 lemon
4 Tbsp. sea salt
Additional brine as needed: 1 quart water plus 2 Tbsp. sea salt
Shred the cabbage and put it in a large bowl.
Remove stems from collard leaves, roll the leaves, and slice vertically into 1-inch pieces. Turn and chop horizontally into 1-inch pieces. Repeat with all of the remaining collard greens.
Mince parsley and garlic cloves and add to cabbage and collards. Add the lemon juice.
Sprinkle in the salt and mix well with clean hands, massaging in the salt. Pound with a Cabbage Crusheror potato masher for 5 minutes to allow the juices to come out of the cabbage.
Transfer to a clean fermentation vessel. Pack down firmly using a clean fist, or a wooden spoon or pounder. The brine should come at least 1 inch above the level of the vegetables. If it doesn’t, add brine as needed.
Cover the jar with a tight lid, airlock lid, or coffee filter secured with a rubber band.
Culture at room temperature (60-70°F is preferred) until desired flavor and texture are achieved. If using a tight lid, burp daily to release excess pressure.
Once the kraut is finished, put a tight lid on the jar and move to cold storage. The kraut's flavor will continue to develop as it ages.
Adenosylcobalamin is a vitamin on a mission. Without this active form of B12, the human body would cease to produce energy at the cellular level. This would terminate all cellular processes and result in eventual systemic failure and, left untreated, death. Vitamin B12, in all its forms, is that important. What some people don’t realize is that B12 is unique in that it’s not a plant-based vitamin. Only bacteria create it, making humans completely dependent on these microscopic organisms for survival. Yes, animal foods do contain B12; but, all of these animals receive their B12 from bacterial fermentation in the gut.
Four Facts about Adenosylcobalamin
Common sources of B12 include fish, meat, and dairy products. For anyone unable to digest or absorb the nutrient (which can happen with age), or anyone with dietary restrictions preventing consumption of these foods, supplementation is an absolute necessity. Here’s four facts about adenosylcobalamin that will explain its function and efficacy.
Four Must Know Facts About Adenosylcobalamin
1. Adenosylcobalamin is Converted Methylcobalamin
Dietary sources of B12 come in the form of hydroxocobalamin. Many supplements use the artificial form of B12–cyanocobalamin–because it’s cheaper and highly stable. In recent years methylcobalamin, the form of B12 the body uses, has become a popular supplement.
Whichever form of B12 is ingested, the body will convert it to methylcobalamin. As a side note, methylcobalamin doesn’t require conversion and goes straight to work without any unnecessary energy expenditure. This B12 form flows through the bloodstream and goes to work by protecting the brain, removing toxins, and converting homocysteine to methionine. In further reactions, methionine contributes a methyl-group to create adenosyl, and ultimately adenosylcobalamin.
2. Metabolic Effects of Adenosylcobalamin
The Citric Acid cycle, or Kreb’s cycle, is the process by which mitochondria creates ATP, or cellular energy. During this process, adenosylcobalamin must assist in the conversion of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA. Without this process, the Citric Acid cycle fails. This results in cellular damage and potential DNA and RNA damage, setting the stage for degenerative disease. Early symptoms of this issue manifests as fatigue or early aging.
3. How to Determine Adenosylcobalamin Deficiency
High levels of Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) in the blood or the urine reflect inadequate adenosylcobalamin levels. One study found people with reported MMA levels of .27 micromoles per liter or higher (.26 or above indicates B12 deficiency) may show higher homocysteine levels, while those at .60 may suffer from neurological issues. [1] [2] Testing for MMA will reveal whether the body is adenosylcobalamin deficient.
4. Supplementing with Adenosylcobalamin
Although it’s a natural and essential form of B12, adenosylcobalamin is not stable in a pill form (unlike cyanocobalamin) so it’s not commonly used in B12 supplements unless it’s a liquid formulation. VeganSafe™ B-12 is a liquid B12 supplement I developed that combines the coenzyme forms of methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. It’s absolutely ideal for getting your daily requirements of B12 and perfect for those with an increased risk of B12 deficiency, especially older adults, vegetarians, and vegans.
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