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The pH Miracle



Artichoke 51 mg

Asparagus 23 mg

Beet greens 119 mg

Broccoli 103 mg

Brussel sprouts 36 mg

Cabbage, Chinese 43 mg

Cabbage, Red 42 mg

Cauliflower 25 mg

Celery 39 mg

Chard, Swiss 88 mg

Chives 69 mg

Collards (leaves) 250 mg

Collards (stems) 203 mg

Cress 81mg

Cucumber 25 mg

Dandelion Greens 187 mg

Fennel 100 mg

Garlic 29 mg

Kale (leaves) 249 mg

Kale (stem) 179 mg

Leek 52 mg

Lettuce, Boston 35 mg

Lettuce, iceberg 20 mg

Lettuce, loose-leaf 68 mg

Mustard greens 183 mg

Okra 92 mg

Onion, green 51 mg

Parsley 203 mg

Pepper, red hot 130 mg

Radish 30 mg

Rhubarb 96 mg

Seaweed, agar 567 mg

Seaweed, dulse 296 mg

Spinach 93 mg

Turnip greens 246 mg

Watercress 151 mg


Chickpea 150 mg

Lentil, dried 79 mg

Lima bean, fresh 52 mg

Mung sprouts 118 mg

Pea, green fresh 26 mg

Red bean, dried 110 mg

Soybean, fresh 67 mg

Soybean sprouts 48 mg


Almond 234 mg

Brazil nut 186 mg

Filbert 209 mg

Pumpkin seeds 51 mg

Sesame seeds 1,160 mg

Sunflower seeds 120 mg


Barly 34 mg

Millet 20 mg

Rice, brown 32 mg

Wheat 46 mg

What bran 119 mg




Alfalfa sprouts 40 %

Artichoke 29 %

Asparagus 25 %

Bamboo shoots 26 %

Beet greens 22 %

Broccoli 49 %

Brussels sprouts 49 %

Cabbage, Chinese 12 %

Cabbage, red 20 %

Cauliflower 27 %

Celery 10 %

Chard, Swiss 24 %

Chives 18 %

Collards (leaves) 48 %

Collards (stems) 36 %

Cress 26 %

Cucumber 10 %

Dandelion greens 27 %

Eggplant 12 %

Fennel 28 %

Garlic 20 %

Kale (leaves) 60 %

Leek 22 %

Lettuce, green-leaf 42 %

Lettuce, iceberg 27 %

Mustard greens 22 %

Okra 24 %

Onion (green) 15 %

Parsley 36 %

Pepper, green 12 %

Pepper, red 14 %

Pepper, red hot 13 %

Radish 10 %

Rhubarb 11 %

Seaweed, dulse 25 %

Spinach 49 %

Turnip greens 30 %

Watercress 22 %

Wheatgrass 25 %

Zucchini 26 %


Avocado (California) 22 %

Lemon 13 %

Tomato, red 18 %


Chickpea 25 %

Lentil 30 %

Mung sprouts 38 %

Navy bean 26 %

Soybean, fresh 11 %

Tofu 43 %


Almond 19 %

Brazil nut 14 %

Filbert 13 %

Pumpkin seed 29 %

Sesame seed 19 %

Sunflower seed 24 %

Sunflower seed, sprouted 33 %


Barley 10 %

Millet 10 %

Wheat 17 %

Wheat bran 16 %



The human body is meant to be alkaline, and the body will go to great length to maintain the appropriate, slight basic, nature of its blood and tissues. But all body functions produce acidic effects; it is all too easy for blood and tissues to become acidic. That is: The human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. What that means in practice is that the body needs alkaline fuel, and that acids are created as a by-product of all human activity. It's only when it is acidic that the body is vulnerable to germs. Acids are the expression of all sickness and disease. Overacidification of body underlies all disease.

The relationship between acid and base is quantified on a scale of 0 to 14 known as pH (potential hydrogen). 7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid: above is basic, or alkaline. Technically, pH reflects the concentration of hydrogen ions (positively charged molecules)in any substance or solution. A pH 5 acid is 10 X as acidic as pH 6; a pH of 8 is 10 X as alkaline as pH 7.


Just as our body temperature must be maintained at 98.6 degree Fahrenheit, our blood is ideally maintained at 7.365 pH --- very mildly basic. Different areas of the body have different specific pH requirements, but the blood needs to stay within a pretty tight range. It is a reliable indicator of internal conditions in general. Maintaining the alkaline pH of the body's fluids, including blood, urine, and saliva is critical for good health. Prime among these is the blood. We must be ready to take responsibility for our acidic lifestyle and dietary choices before we'll be able to make the healthy changes. All of the body's regulatory mechanisms (including breathing, circulation, digestion, and glandular function) work to balance the delicate internal acid - base balance. Our bodies cannot tolerate extended acid imp lances. Acidity reveals itself in our bodies in 7 stages:

  • Loss of energy

  • Sensitivity and irritation (as in IBS)

  • Mucus and congestion

  • Inflammation

  • Hardening of soft tissue ("induration" including lupus, lyme, fibromyalgia, hardening of the arteries, plaque)

  • Ulceration

  • Degeneration (cancer, heart disease, stroke, AIDS, ALS, MS, diabetes)

In the early stages of the imbalance, the symptoms may not be very intense and could include such things as skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, colds and flu, and sinus problems. Weakened organs and systems start to give way, resulting in dysfunctional thyroid glands, adrenals, liver, and so on. If tissue pH deviates too far to the acid side, oxygen levels decrease and cellular metabolism will stop. In other words, cells die. To prevent it, when faced with a lot of incoming acid the blood begins to pull alkaline minerals out of our tissues to compensate. There is a family of b ace minerals particularly suited to neutralizing, or detoxifying, strong acids, including sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. When these minerals react with acids, they create much less detrimental substances, which are then eliminated by the body. If there are insufficient amounts of alkaline minerals in the diet or in the reserves, they are recruited elsewhere, and may be leached from the blood, the bone or cartilage, or muscles.

If the acid overload gets too great for the blood to balance, excess acid is dumped into the tissues for storage. Then the lymphatic (immune) system must neutralize what it can --- and try to get rid of everything else. "Getting rid of" acid from the tissues turns out to mean dumping it right back into the blood, creating a vicious cycle of drawing still more basic minerals away from their ordinary functions and stressing the over and kidneys besides. Furthermore, if the lymphatic system is overloaded, or its vessels are not functioning properly (lack of exercise), acid builds up in the connective tissues.

This imbalance in the blood and tissue pH leads to irritation and inflammation and sets the stage for sickness and disease. For example, body may throw off acids through the skin, producing symptoms such as eczema, acne, boils, headaches, muscle cramps, soreness, swelling, irritation, inflammation, and general aches and pains. Chronic symptoms show up when all possibilities of neutralizing or eliminating acids have been exhausted. When acid wastes build up in the body and enter the bloodstream, the circulatory system will try to get rid of them in gas or liquid form, through the lungs or the kidneys. If there is too much waste to handle, they are deposited in various organ systems, including the heart, pancreas, liver, and colon, or stored in fatty tissue, including the breasts, hips, thighs, belly --- and brain. We know these "deposits" by names such as polyps, fluids, cysts, acid crystals, tumors, warts, bumps, growths, masses, blemishes, moles, blisters, sacs, and so on. This process of acid waste breakdown and disposal could also be called the aging process. All this caused by dietary, metabolic, and environmental acids.


One of the nastiest consequences of an overly acidic body is the beasties that thrive therein, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds. Dietary and metabolic acid waste also set the stage for the potentially devastating development of a host of microscopic organisms in your body, starting with Candida. Candida is the Latin name for what is commonly known as a yeast in the human body but is really a kind of fungus. Yeast and fungus are single-celled forms born out of plant, animal, and human matter. They are absolutely everywhere --- earth, air, water. Candida is normally found in the gastrointestinal tract due to the breakdown of food matter. (We'd actually die without it.) However, it can easily become drastically overgrown, causing a wide variety of symptoms, from annoying to chronic to fatal. On the typical American diet the vast majority of people develop out-of-control growths within their bodies --- and the effects are disastrous. We are living in a plague of evolving microforms, including bacteria, tests/fungi, and molds, as well as all of their metabolic waste products. We are victimized not only by the microforms themselves, but also by their poisonous excretions, or mycrotoxins and exotoxsins (exo, meaning "bacterial.") They live on our body's energy, or electrons, and use our fats and proteins (even our genetic matte, nucleic acids) for development and growth. There are more than 1,000 toxins produced by bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold.

Bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold do not themselves provide symptoms in the body --- their toxic wastes do. They only show up because of a compromised internal environment that causes body cell to transform into bacteria, then yeast, and finally mold. Most disease especially chronic and degenerative ones from chronic acidity, give rise to micro form transformation and then overgrowth. Between extremes and athlete foot and AIDS are the underlying symptoms such as diabetes, cancer, artherosclerosis (clogged artery), osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, and more --- including infections that paperer to be transmitted person - to - person. The general signs of overacid that lead to transformation of body cells and then overgrowth include:

  • pain, infection, fatigue

  • adrenal/thyroid failure

  • indigestion, diarrhea, intestinal pain, joint pain, muscle aches, headaches

  • food cravings, over-and underweight conditions, malabsorption

  • depression, antisocial behavior, hyperactivity, mood swings, suicidal tendencies

  • asthma, allergies (airborne or food), respiratory problems

  • hemorrhoids, ulcers, hiatal hernia

  • cold and flu, hay fever, bladder infections

  • endometriosis, PMS and menstrual problems

  • dry skin and itching, skin rash and hives, vaginal yeast infection

  • thrush, dry mouth, receding gums

  • finger/toenail fungus

  • dizziness, irritability

  • bad breath, heart burn, gas/bloating

  • cysts and tumors

  • colitis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis

  • puffy eyes, burning eyes

  • lack of sex drive, hormonal imbalance, bladder infection

  • numbness, coldness/shakiness

  • low blood sugar, lethargy/laziness

  • insomnia, poor memory

  • multiple chemical sensitivity

Micorforms are biological transformations of you and live and thrive in ACIDITY. The love to swim in their own waste products. The also love the LOW OXYGEN level that come with acidity. On top of that, the wastes they produce are strong acids themselves. When your body goes from acid back to base, bateria, yeast, fungus, and mold stop developing and can once again become benign. Their leftover toxins can then be bound up by certain fats and alkaline minerals and eliminated from the body.

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