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Holistic Dental Care

Successful Self-dentistry and Tooth Tips

When you follow the Successful Self-Dentistry protocol every day, you will be amazed at how effective it is at revenging decay, gum bleeding, inflammation and eve the onset of colds.

Ideally these steps are completed morning and night, because plaque begins to rebuild within 6 hours of brushing. After 2 ~ 4 days of neglect, gum tissue sends warnings to your immune system that something is up, and the immune system responds by sending white blood cells to help out. This causes a breakdown of the collagen fibers that hold teeth to the jawbone. Within a week or two of neglect, biofilm forms bacterial colonies. This is when the gums may start to bleed, especially when flossing.

The Successful Self - Dentistry protocol will keep your mouth, teeth, gums, and saliva in such pristine condition that every day your teeth will feel as clean and smooth as if you've been to the dental hygienist for a cleaning.


  1. Saltwater solution. Add a drop or an essential oil. Before brushing.

  2. Scrape the tongue 2 ~3 times.

  3. Brush the gums. Use a soft, dry brush. Apply a drop of NEEM oil with a drop of essential oil.

  4. Polish the teeth with a dry round-headed electric toothbrush. Add a top of essential oil with a dash of homemade tooth polish.

  5. Clean the gum lines of any remaining plaque by using a rubber-tipped gum tool or sulcus brush with a drop of an essential oil.

  6. Floss. Apply a drop of an essential oil

  7. Rise with salt water or alternative mouth rinses.

  8. Use oral irrigator to rinse the gum pockets with salt water and essential oil. Massage a drop of oil into the gum line and any sensitive area.

Step 1: The Salt Rinse

Salt eliminates microbes and makes the pH of the mouth alkaline creating a neutral environment for brushing. A salt rinse comes in handy after a meal, when it is less than ideal to brush your teeth. It is especially important after you have eaten citrus or other high-acid foods to neutralize the acidity right away.

Get a Mason jar with a tightly fitting lid and a shot glass for each member of your family. Mix 1 oz of salt and 16 oz of hot --- almost boiling --- spring water or nonfluoridated, non chlorinated water. The hot water activates and dissolve the salt into brine. A drop of an essential oil may be added and shaken, not stirred, into your brine. To use the saltwater rinse, put yourself a shot glass of the mixture, swish, swish, and spit.

Step 2: Scraping the Tongue

Say goodbye to morning breath: the coating of the tongue is home to many microbes and mucus that migrate up from the alimentary canal, especially at night. Scraping the tongue gently removes the coating, improving your overall oral health. It will also improve the taste of food and sweeten your breath. You will find that within improved nutrition, there will be less to scrape. You can buy a tongue scraper at any health food store, or you can use the edge of a spoon. Simply scrape your tongue from back to front, and you will see the plaque being removed. Rinse the scraper in hot water, and continue scraping until your tongue is clean, usually in 2 ~ 3 scrapes. You may also add one drop of an essential oil or combination serum to the scraper.

Step 3: Brushing the Gums

This is very important, so pay special attention. Use a dry, soft - bristled manual toothbrush for this step, and always brush the gums toward the teeth using an extra light touch over the gum line. Add a tiny drop of neem oil with a drop of an essential oil or combination serum to your dry toothbrush. Move the brush from the gums toward the teeth. Brush as gently as you can.

Take a moment to be mindful about this step. Sit down on the toilet seat or on the edge of the bathtub and relax. You can even go outside brush with a friend. Make it fun. The old days of standing over the sink with the water running while spitting out mouthfuls of foaming sodium laurel sulfate are over.

This is when I use my favorite light - activated ionic tooth broth. This brush creates negative ions in the saliva that draw away 40% of plaque. Just by ionizing and alkalinizing the saliva in the mouth, the reduction in the amount of plaque is incredible.

Step 4: Polishing the Teeth

Polishing the teeth ensures that any leftover plaque as well as any staining is removed, while also giving you smooth, slippery teeth that you will enjoy gliding your tongue over. I have tried a wide variety of eccentric brushes, and I think that inexpensive rechargeable brushes do the job very well. Add one drop of an essential oil or combination serum and a dash of tooth polish to your brush and run it over your teeth. You want to focus on the teeth and avoid the gums. To make a very effective homemade tooth polish, combine equal amounts of salt and baking soda. The sticky plaque and biofilm will be removed in 1 or 2 minutes.

Step 5: Checking the Gum Lines

This step is very important, as the health of the gums is directly related to the health of the teeth. The gums hold the teeth in place and keep the teeth strong. The gums also cover thousands of tiny filaments that attach the tooth to the jaw, so take good care of this area.

Check the inner and outer gum lines with your tongue, feeling for rough patches of plaque buildup. You will often find that there is plaque right at the gum line, or sulcus. There are rubber-tipped gum tools and sulcus brushes designed specifically for this area. Apply a drop of an essential oil or combination serum to either tool and gently go over the gum line, on both the inside and the outside of each tooth.

Step 6: Flossing

Now you are ready to floss. Integrative cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra authored an article titled "A Mouth - Heart Connection" that describes the powerful relationship between the health of the heart and the gums. Consider flossing part of a heart - healthy lifestyle. If you dislike flossing, you are in for a pleasant surprise: when you add an essential oil to the floss, it is fun and refreshing. You can feel the potent plant oils cleaning between your teeth. If you already like flossing, you are going to enjoy it even more.

Pull off a long stand of floss. Put a single drop of essential oil on your index finger, and run the floss between your thumb and index finger to coat it with the oil. Wind the floss around your fingers and slide it in between your teeth, up and down, back and forth. Take care to move the floss in the interstices and around the necks of the teeth where food and plaque build up.

Step 7: Final Rinse

With and rinse with one more shot you your handy-dandy mouth-rinse brine: swish, swish, swish, and spit. The salt water and essential oils will coat your entire mouth, discouraging the growth of bacteria and nurturing the tissue. You can also alternate mouth rinse: brine, magnesium, or iodine.

Step 8: Extra Gum Care

For this step you will need an oral irrigator, which is a blunt-ended syringe. I really like the VitaPick brand irrigator because it is like a mini shower head that flushes out the gum line, irrigating places that flossing, brushing, and scraping can't reach. This irrigator has a finer spray than a Waterpick, and it will rinse out the microbes that you may have missed in previous steps.

Pour a small amount of your homemade saltwater mouthwash alone with one drop of an essential oil into your shot glass. To fill the irrigator, draw the mixture from the shot glass up into the syringe. Then flush the sulci and interstices of each tooth, and take extra care in areas that need special attention, This will dissolve remaining biofilm an microbes while revitalizing the gum tissue. Lastly, massage another drop of the oil onto the gums to soothe tissue, fortify microbial protection and freshen your breath.

Hal Huggins offers a great tip to treat very inflamed gums: thoroughly and vigorously swish with salt water every hour for 2 days. He recommends 1/2 teaspoon of purified salt in a glass of warm water. On the half hour, rinse with sodium ascorbate vitamin C powder. Note that this is not ascorbate or ascorbic acid, the acid form of vitamin C, which is acidic with a pH of 1. Huggins explained that salt kills the bacteria and vitamin C rebalances electrons in the mouth; unhealthy tissue is saturated with protons while healthy tissue is saturated with elections.

That is the protocol in 8 simple steps. You can start right away with just salt and baking soda if you don't have other items on hand.

  • Atomic Iodine Mouth Gargle

An immune-boosting mouth gargle can be prepared with the atomic form of iodine. Atomic iodine has rapid bactericidal activity, clears oral thrush, and is great for the thyroid gland. Simply add one drop to a glass of drinking water once a week or as of as every other day.

  • Baking Soda

I used to think baking soda --- sodium bicarbonate --- was this strange white powder. Now i understand that sodium bicarbonate is actually a major element present in all bodily fluids and organs. It is found in the saliva, is secreted by our stomachs, and is necessary for digestion. Aluminum free baking sod is perfecto safe to use to clean the teeth, and it can even be taken as supplement to maintain pH levels. Baking soda's natural alkalinity neutralizes bacterial acidity. It decreases dental plaque, prevents dental carries through its buffering capacity, increase calcium uptake to the enamel and neutralize the effect of harmful metabolic acids.

Baking soda, which is often combined with sea salt, has been used as toothpaste for centuries. In addition to being an effective cleaning polish, baking soda is gentle. It is significantly less abrasive than cleaning agents such as chalk and silica that are found in most commercial toothpastes. Baking soda has been recommended as an effective tooth polish by doctors and experts that include Dr. Hulda Clark, dentist Robert O. Nara, and Dr. Paul H. Keyes. Keys was a clinical investigator at the National Institute of Dental Research when he published a study concluding that regular brushing with salt and baking soda prevents destructive periodontal (gum) disease. In fact, the use of baking soda on oral care is part of what is known as the "Keyes technique," which includes coating the teeth with baking soda using a toothbrush and then swishing undiluted apple cider vinegar around in the mouth. If you remember your high school science class experiments, you know that combining these two ingredients products foam. While the mouth is full of foam, you brush the teeth and the tongue. "You'll find that your teeth are remarkably slick, and bacterial coatings on the top of the tongue, which are involved in bad breath, will be gone." Thousands of dentists tough the preventative power of baking soda, and there has never been a better time to add this wonder ingredient to your oral care regimen.

  • Clay

Clay has been used for internal and external purification since ancient times. Either by bathing in it or applying it as a pack, clay can draw toxins and heavy metals out through the skin. Ingesting clay also works by pulling toxins from the intestinal tract and mouth. With it interacts with body, clay engages in a dynamic state of ionic exchange with the alimentary canal. It absorbs positively charged toxins an impurities and leaves healthy, negatively charged nutrients behind.

A clay pack is also helpful for detoxifying the site of a mercury filling removal, a tooth extraction, an abscess, or inflamed gums. clay packs work by absorbing toxins from deeper levers of the oral tissues. To make a clay pack, combine 2 drops of an essential oil or combination serum with nonchlorinated, nonfluoridated waterand clay to make a little clay ball. Place the clay ball firmly against the area of the mouth for 10 minutes. If possible, lie down outside and let the sun shine into your mouth and on the clay pack to further activate its energy. Then discard and rinse with spring water or nonclorinated, nonfluoridated water.

Clay is also wonderful for brushing the teeth. For a fine polish, simply sprinkle very fine powdered clay --- bentonite, zeolite, or silica-rich clay --- onto your dry toothbrush to clear up plaque. Another gentle way to detoxify is through cleansing clay baths: add baking soda and clays to your warm-water bath with the addition of a drop of the immune-enhancing, lymph-stimulating essential oils of juniper, grapefruit, and cypress to enhance your bathing experience.

  • Treating Very Inflamed Gums

This tip from Hal Huggins is in the Eight Steps, and it is so helpful that I am repeating it here. Treat inflamed gums by dissolving half a teaspoon of purified salt in a glass of hot water and vigorously swishing it around in your mouth every hour for two days. On the half hour, rinse with sodium ascorbate vitamin C powder in hot water.

  • Healing Herbs (Infusion)

The days of making one little cup of tea with teabag are behind us; make a big pot of tea to enjoy all day. One of my favorite methods of brewing herbal tea is to put 1 ~ 2 oz of dry herbs into a quarter size Mason jar. Fill the jar with almost boiling water, cap it, and let steep overnight. Strain out the herbs and drink. you can fill several jars in this manner and keep them in the fridge after they have had an overnight steep. I recommend a mineral-rich tea with horsetail, nettles, and dandelion to tone the liver, the skin, and the digestive process. It also strengthens tooth enamel and gum tissue.

  • Dandelion brings minerals to the teeth.

  • Horsetail is high in silica.

  • Nettles are rich in calcium and iron.

You can also add herbs to your saltwater mouth rinse. Use mullein, white oak bark, goldenseal grape root, or ginger. An herbal powder poultice will give a spa treatment to your teeth and gums; it's like a miniature face mask for your mouth. Start by taking one capsule, or a dash, of powdered goldenseal, astragalus, or white oak bark and mix in a drop of an essential oil or combination serum until you have a paste. Next pack this mixture into the pockets between the teeth and the areas that need extra care. The herbs can also be combined with clay.

  • Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy metals are toxic substances that accumulate in the blood stream and body fat. Decades of industrialization have left many of our bodies riddled with toxic waste. A multifaceted approach is best to gently chelate the body with a combination of herbs, supplements, and therapies. It is also useful to perform a heavy metal detox through the daily practice of dry brushing and seating in a sauna or by having a series of colonics once or twice a year. Furthermore, to get clean and stay clean, it is necessary to eliminate al synthetic body-care "beauty" products and household cleaning products.

Green is good: when Ron, my partner, had his mercury amalgams removed, we made a mix of fresh cilantro juice and chlorella powder that he drank along with (R)-alpha lipoid acid (RALA) capsules. He continued to follow this protocol daily for three monte to remove any latent heavy metals from his body.

Chlorella, a green alga, is able to bind with pesticides, mercury, and other heavy metals and assist with their removal from the body. Registered holistic nutritionist Patricia Domingues puts chlorella at number 9 on there superfoods list because "it dramatically increases the rate of rebuilding and healing in tissues, multiplies the growth rate of lactobacillus in be bowel, boosts the immune system, and fights free-radical damage."

It is also worth exploring supplements that support the detox process: methysulfonylmethane (MSM), which aids in detoxifying metals by giving sulfur to methionine and cysteine; magnesium, healthy levels of which lead to safer detoxification and chelation; taurine; probiotics; vitamin C; spirlina; N-acteyl-L-cysteine, to boost glutathione levels; zinc; kelp; and selenium.

You will also want to support your liver function with turmeric, glutathione, milk thistle, natural B vitamins, and superoxide dismutase (SOD). It is vital to keep healthy elimination flowing to avoid stagnancy and reabsorption, and you can hop your bowels detoxify with a tablespoon of chia seeds and teaspoon of bentonite clay soaked overnight in a glass of water to drink in the morning.

  • Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies use highly diluted substances based on the principle of "like cures like." For example, minuscule doses of homeopathic Rhus tox., commonly known as poison ivy, can prevent and heal the itchy allergic response to the plant. These remedies are useful tools to help balance oral ecology by strengthening, detoxifying, and getting to the root of oral imbalances. Some biological dentists, like Dr. Gerald Smith, who uses Sanum brand remedies from Germany in combination with RIFE technology, inject homeopathic remedies into extraction sites, healing the negative effects of root canals, cavities and imbalances in the saliva and enamel. Smith states that "if you hit the right remedy for the right problem, it will work through mint, coffee, alcohol, anything." Homeopathic therapy is a vast area, and the following suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg.

- Belladonna can be used for abscesses and TMJ disorder.

- Hypericum is for repairing tissue that has been damaged by bacteria.

- Arnica is for any dental work, dental trauma, extractions, or pain from swelling.

- Plantago is the top toothache remedy.

- Coffea is for severe toothaches that make one feel "crazy."

  • Tissue Salts and cell Salts

These salts are another form of homeopathy based on inorganic mineral salts developed by german physician Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler. Here are our cell salt suggestions that my be useful in your dental apothecary:

- Calc fluor : indicated for poor tooth enamel, sensitive teeth, decay, and weakened elasticity of tissue. I have experienced the effectiveness of calc fluor firsthand. After a few passionate weeks of ingesting fresh wild bee pollen, I discovered that because the bee pollen was slightly acidic, it had affected my tooth enamel. Luckily I ran into my naturopathic doctor friend. She advised swishing with 3 ~ 4 tablets of calc fluor cell salts and water. I am happy to report that my enamel was back to normal in 3 days

- Calc phos : may help balance calcium and phosphrous ratios in the bones. Its primary function is to build solid dentine and enamel. It is also used as a remedy for teething and combined with calc fluor for decay. Think of calc phos for the matrix inside the teeth and calc fluor for the external tooth.

- Nat mur (sodium chloride) : it maintains the body's water balance by controlling the movement of water in and out of cells. Indicated for dry mouth, cold sore, and cracked tongue.

- Silica : it is a major constituent of blood, skin, hair nails, bones, nerve sheaths, and some tissues. It is a helpful treatment whenever there is pus formation in abscesses, pus pockets, or gum infection.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide

You will want to keep food-grade hydrogen peroxide handy. It is undiluted and very strong, so it needs to be watered down to a concentration of 3% before use. Peroxide is the best method for cleaning tooth brushes and dental tools. Each member of the family can store their toothbrush in a small glass of 3% hydrogen peroxide overnight. Remember to change the solution daily.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used once in a while to flush out a gum pocket or once a year to remove stain from teeth. Always rinse immediately with walt water to neutralize and alkalinize. It is too astringent on the enamel and the gums to use every day, and with overuse you may experience receding gums.

  • Magnesium Oil Rinse

Magnesium chloride, in its natural pure form, is helpful in healing and strengthening teeth and tissue. Magnesium is essential for proper calcium absorption for strong enamel, and it is an essential mineral for bone matrix. A solution of natural liquid magnesium chloride is also an excellent mouthwash for revitalizing oral echo logy. The purest form can be swallowed. Use full strength or dilute up to 50% to use as a mouth rinse once a day or once a week, depending on your oral condition. Dilute it for use by children.

  • Toothaches

Consider toothache a wake-up call from your mouth. It may be caused by a damaged nerve or from bacteria penetrating the enamel and the nerve. For first aid treatment to provide both antibacterial and analgesic relief, dilute organic clove or rose otto essential oil in your favorite essential oil serum, organic olive oil, or virgin coconut oil. Apply it to the affected area every half hour until the pain eases. Another option is to dilute the rose or clove oil in a ratio of 1:3 with olive oil and then inject it into the gum line or affected area with a VitaPick irrigator or a blunt-tipped syringe. Then cover the tooth with propolis paste or frankincense resin to created a clean sealed area.

Willow bark herb, the plant from which aspirin is derived, is also very effective. Other helpful toothache herbs that may be taken in liquid tin cures or capsule form include osha root, ginger, turmeric, mullein, white oak bark, and goldenseal. The root causes of toothache can be kept at bay by keeping the immune system boosted with extra vitamin C, reishi tincture, vitamin D, chaga tea, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano (dilute wild oregano essential oil to 5% with 95% olive oil), and pine bark extract.

  • The Temporomandibular Joints

TMJs connect the upper and lower jaw. There are 136 muscles attached to the lower jaw. These muscles and joints affect the alignment of the teeth as well as that of the occipital ridge, the neck, and the shoulder girdle, which in turn affects the pelvic girdle and a person's stride or gait. These muscles and proprioception --- the unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself --- along with the upper and lower jaw can be out of alignment for a number of reasons, including birth with forceps delivery, billings, root canals, extractions, and excessive dental procedures. Dr. Nunnally said that "most often, receding gums are due to grinding and clenching our teeth." If you hear a clicking sound when you open and close your mouth, it might be an indication that your TMJ is out of alignment and needs balancing. The eyes are surrounded by muscles that can become tense and shorten due to TMJ problems, causing blurred vision and near-sightedness.

To counter TMJ disorders, osteopaths and craniosacral therapists can gently encourage a realignment of this all-important joint, including rebalancing the temporal bone, the mandible, and related soft tissues. Intraoral massage by a registered massage therapist will adjust thigh oral muscles and may relax them so much that you may find yourself leaving your appointment with your jaw hanging open --- in a good way. Take a moment to feel where your tongue is right now. If your tongue is pressing at the bottom of your mouth. Relaxing the tongue and jaw is of great benefit to those who find themselves clenching and grinding their teeth. Clenching the teeth can cause gum recession and tiny fractures, imperceptive on X-rays, from the great force that is from the great force that is wielded by the teeth.

Stretching the jaw slowly strengthens and realigns the joints and relaxes the tongue; try opening the jaw, very slowly and then breathing deeply with the jaw open 3 ~ 5 times / day. The Feldenkrais Method uses somatic moment to reduce pain or limitations in movement. The Feldenkrais Movement Institute offers lessons to help break the cycle of pain and retrain the muscles to support a functionally healthy jaw.

Another effective way to relax and release tension in the jaw, the temples, and the back of the neck is to apply the essential oil of peppermint, chamomile, lavender, or marjoram to the tight spots and temples. Nutritionally proper phosphorus intake and good blood sugar levels help ease TMJ disorder.

Also, listening to binaural beats or paraliminal audioprograms for deep relaxation before bed creates healing theta brainwaves that will relax jaw muscles and keep healthy cells humming. The theta state is the most healing and restorative state of being.

Beneficial Botanicals

Distillations of plants, flowers, seeds, roots, and trees have been used medicinally for centuries. Botanical oils, including essential oils and supercritical extracts, support and protect us from had to toe gently, potently, and safely.

The use of genuine essential oils originated as medical therapy based on the pharmacological benefits of essential plant extracts.

Sadly, the modern commercialization and production of synthetic fragrances and flavors has relegated the aromatherapeutic use of essential oils to the frivolous realm of perfumery and potpourri.

These special plant extracts are different than herbal tinctures, homeopathic remedies, or food supplements. They are the distilled essences of the plants theta bear their names. Each authentic essence is distilled slowly and at low temperature, capturing the integrity of hundreds of botanical compounds in the plant and trace substances known as secondary metabolites.

Secondary metabolites are the plant's adaptogens, and they are different from the DNA and primary structure of the plant. These adaptogenic substances are aromatic hormones, phenols, and pheromones that attract pollinators repel insects, and are part of the unique individual expression of the plant. the molecules in these plant substances mirror our human hormones, enzymes, and neurotranmitters, beautifully representing the biological compatibility between humans and plants. This biocompatibility allows them to have a powerful effect on our health.

Essential oils and super critical extracts are highly concentrated lipophilic liquids. For some of the botanical oils, a whole plant or more is required to create a single drop of oil. Extremely potent, often hundreds of times stronger than the herbal extract, oils have hundreds of beneficial chemical components that work synergistically with each other and with our bodies. The distinctive lipid-soluble nature of essential oils allow them to penetrate the lipid layer of our skin and gum so that they quickly reach the immune system. When botanical oils are combined, thousand of plant compounds create a beneficial mosaic effect.

Essential oils in their unique nature are all antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiviral to a varying degrees. In the book Beyond Antibiotics: 50 (or so) Ways to boost Immunity and Avoid Antibiotics, author Micael Schmdt devotes an entire chapter to the antimicrobial efficacy of essential oils, starting: One of the advantages essential oils have over antibiotics is that bacteria do not develop resistance to essential oils. Many essential oils exit their antibacterial effect by interfering with the bacteria's ability to breathe. On the other hand, antibiotics interfere with the life cycle, or metabolism.

High-Quality botanical oils begin with good soil and organic growing practices as well as sustainable wild-crafting of the plant matter. Each botanical ingredient is gathered at the right time of day to ensure the maximum amount of the aromatic molecules in the part of the plant being distilled. The right distillation method, long and slow, further ensures that the maximum amount of compounds and trace elements are captured in every drop.

All essential oils and supercritical extracts easily penetrate the lipid matrix of the gums. They send nutrients to the blood vessels, dentine, nerves, and roots of the teeth. They stimulate circulation and get the lymph and dental lymph system going. Some oils, such as sea-buckthorn berry, help to regenerate tissue, including gum tissue. They are also potent in Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). Clove and cinnamon are also very high in ORAC and have impressive properties for eliminating bacteria.

Essential oils interact dynamically with the body, both physically and psychologically. Pure aromatic molecules have a direct rout through the blood-brain barrier into the hypothalamus, the center of the mind. When the molecules reach the hypothalamus, the brain releases neurotransmitters, among them encephalin, endorphins, serotonin, and noradrenalin. Encephalin and endorphins reduce pain and produce a pleasant, euphoric state of mind land feelings of well-being. Serotonin is relaxing and calming. Noradrenalin is revitalizing and keeps the mind sharp. Certain oils also affect the autonomic nervous system to relax the heartbeat, deepen breathing, regulate the digestive process, and evoke creative inspiration. They can reach the limbic system in mere seconds, and once there the aromatic molecules continue their tourney toward the lungs, where they pass through the delicate moist walls of the alveoli and into the blood capillaries. From the capillaries, the tiny molecules flow to the heart as well as the circulatory and lymph system and access all the organs and systems isn the body.

  • My favorite botanicals for healthy teeth and gums are combination serum of the supercritical extracts of sea-buckthorn berry, rose otto, oregano, peppermint, clove, tea tree, cinnamon, and thyme linalool.

  • I also make an ancient Vedic combination serum of botanicals; it is a potent combination of the extracts of neem, cinnamon, clove, cayenne, mastic, and cardamon. You man war to experiment with a few single essential oils or combinations for your you.

1. Cardamon (Elettaria cardamomum): this essential oil stimulates and tones the digestive tract and has antiseptic properties that stimulate the phagocytic cellular action of the immune system. It is also supportive of the nervous system and helps supplement healthy oral care with its anti-infective, antibacterialaction.

2. Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens): select a super-critical extract with catalytic, antibacterial, antiseptic, and stimulating properties. The capsicum compound in cayenne is also a topical vasodilator, which stimulates blood circulation. It must be diluted before use.

3. Cinnamon (Cinnamonum ceylanicum): true cinnamon-bark essential oil from Madagascar is antiseptic and antibacterial. It stimulates blood circulation to the gums and promotes their health and regeneration. Cinnamon is high in the compounds equenol cineole, with potent anesthetic and antiseptic properties that increase the production of white blood cells. According to the work of the founders of modern medical aromatherapy, the doctors Pierre Franchomme andDaniel Penoel, cinnamon bark oil is effective against 98% of all pathogenic bacteria. This oil is very strong and must be diluted before use.

4. Clove bud (Eugenica caryophyllata): clove oil, distilled from the flowering buds of the clove trees,is an analgesic with an extremely high ORAC. Cloves have relieved toothaches and freshened breath since ancient times. A potent antibacterial, antiviral, and anti fungal, clove boosts the immune system and stimulates blood flow with its botanical constituents of eugenol, esters, and sesquiterpenes, all of which combine to create impressive action against pathogens and microbes; it is anti parasitic and helps gum infections, toothaches, and tonsillitis. Clove oil must be diluted before use.

5. Mastic (Pistacia lentiscus): mastic has a long history of use as far back as an ancient Greece. It is a type of resin, similar to frankincense, that comes from the inner sap of the mastic tree. It helps maintain the connective tissue in the oral area, and it is cry good at removing tooth plaque. Mastic contains antioxidant, anti fungal, and antibacterial compounds. The major antibacterial components of mastic oil are alpha-mycrene, beta-pinene, limonene, and beta-caryophyllene. Like all essential oils, the antibacterial efficacy of mastic oil is due to all of its components working synergistically. This resin extract is a potent antiseptic, which inhibits oral bacteria, including the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Mastic oil helps to harness the blood's front line of defense: leukocytes, or white blood cells, and multiple nucleocytes. This helps increase the tissues defenses, especially between the teeth and gums where gingivitis and plaque occur.

6. Neem (Azadirachta indica): in Sanskrit neem is arista, which means "perfect, complete, and imperishable." It has been used in ayurvedic traditions for thousands of years in agriculture, food storage, and medicine. Many research studies prove that neem is fungicidal, miticidal, and antibacterial. It is an ideal remedy for periodontal tooth infections. It can be applied locally around the teeth and gums. The vasodilation and anti-inflammatory compounds in neem, along with the pain relieving compounds, can reduce the discomfort of a toothache. It also prevents cell adhesion and kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Neem alkalizes the saliva, gums, and mouth, and kills the bacteria that cause pyorrhea and gingivitis. It obliterates calcium-forming organisms and the organisms that cause cavities.

7. Oregano (Origanum vulgate): wild oregano oil, harvested from the mountains around the Mediterranean, has a bounty of botanical benefits with a broad spectrum of action. It contains two phenol compounds that contribute to its medicinal value: it is over 65% carvacrol and 3.4 % thymol. These phenols possess potent antiseptic, analgesic, and antibacterial properties. Gerald Smith,DDS, explains, "Basically, oregano works like an antibiotic," hosting the immune systems. Oregano has a broad range of antimicrobial activities, effective against fungi, viruses, and bacteria, including E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Wild oil of oregano in oral applications can improve dental hygene as it destroys plaque-causing bacteria and reduces the risk of gum disease. Oregano oil must be diluted before use.

8. Peppermint (Mentha piperita): mint helps with digestion and has an analgesic, cooling, and anti-inflammatory effect. Ingesting peppermint oil reduces levels of oxidized fats in body tissue and reverse declines in glutathione caused by radiation exposure. Peppermint oil is widely available, and for the purest most effective oil, select a genuine distillation of the fresh peppermint leaves grown in France. It is important to understand that peppermint flavoring in commercial toothpaste is artificial menthol and offers no benefit in preventing gingivitis. Real peppermint is a potent antioxidant and inhibits the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

9. Rose otto (Rosa x damascene): an elegant and precious essence, it takes 60 roses t make one drop of rose otto essential oil. On elf the most medicinally valued extracts, it adds resiliency and elasticity to skin and gum tissue. It is an effective analgesic and is vulnerary, meaning it speeds up the healing of tissues with its potent antiviral and antiseptic properties. It is great for cold sores and canders. Rose otto also has the ability to regenerate connective tissue and tonify the gums.

10. Sea-buckthorn berry (Hippophae rhamnoides): this incredibly vital oil, extracted from a berry, is rich in lipids, beneficial fatty acids, and rare palmitoleic acids. It is perfectly balanced in omega-3, omega-6, omega-7, and omega-9. Select a supercritical extract to capture the more than 190 bioactive substances from this edible berry, which is potent in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory beta carotene, carotenoids, and phytosterols that reduce redness and help heal mucous membranes. I have been using sea-buckthorn since 1994 because of the oil's ability to regenerate cells and protect against cell water loss as well as its richness in vitamins C and E and provitamins A and B. All of these extraordinary plant properties contribute to regenerating and revitalizing connective and gingival tissue.

Amazon Review

I live by this oil. I always have extra oil in reserve. This stuff is fantastic. It's amazing for burns and anything burn related. I once, accidentally, poured a large amount of bubbling, scolding, chicken soup, all over my hand. I thought I was dying. My entire body started pulsating and throbbing; it was the most excruciating pain ever. I knew I was going to have to go to the hospital. BUT, I immediately poured this oil over my hand, over the sink. It continued to throb, but within 10 minutes, it throbbed less, and within a half hour it was gone, like nothing ever happened. No redness, no scar, no mark, NOTHING!!!! It was remarkable, like a miracle. Now I always keep this around in case my kids ever burn themselves. This oil is medical grade and safe to ingest. When my son loses his voice, frequently, I pour some drops in his throat and he immediately feels better. Its great for a sore throat. I have used this for canker sores, or burns on the tongue or in the mouth, it works wonders. Have actually used this on my face as a serum. By David S. on September 13, 2015

11. Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia): harvested from the paper bark tea tree, the tea tree has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal plenty by indigenous Australians. It is antiviral anti fungal, and antibacterial. The Australian Dental Journal stated that it is "a therapeutic agent in chronic gingivitis and periodontitis, conditions that have both bacterial and inflammatory components." Tea tree is full of natural anti-inflammatory agents and contains the plant chemical cineol and propanol, which can decrease gingivitis and reduce plaque. Tea tree is also very astringent and antiseptic. In a scientific study, a genuine 2.5% distillation of tea tree oil proved effective in the treatment of tea trefoil proved effective in the treatment of chronic gingivitis and inflammation.

12. Thyme linalool (Thymus officials ct.linalool): this is a rear verity of the thyme species. It is bot antiseptic and gentle, and it balances oral salivary secretions, stimulates the immune system, and acts as a decongestant. Overall, it is a tonifying and effective immunostimulant with antibacterial agents.

It is perfectly safe to swallow then in the droplet quantities in which they are used. Essential oils are potent, and oils from health food stores often dome with a label cautioning that oils are not safe to taken internally in any quantity. This is true of the oils that are not of a genuine, organic, and authentic distillation. However, when pure distillations of essential oils are taken in small quantities --- meaning one drop --- most are fine, and often beneficial, for internal use. In fact, many essential oils are used by the food and flavor industries. Orange juice is often flavored with essential oil from organs, Earl Gray tea is often flavored with essential oil distilled from bergamot, and many liqueurs, confectionaries, chocolates, and flavor extracts use various essential oils.

What Goes On the Skin Goes In

It is important to know that everything that is applied to the body, including the manufactured synthetic chemicals in perfumes, toothpaste, and lotions, is absorbed into the blood stream, cells, and organs --- and often to a greater extent than if you had eaten it. Don't put anything in, on, or around the body that you wouldn't want to eat. It is important to be discerning.


~Teeth Whitener~

(loose measurement)

1 tsp 1% Hydrogen Peroxide

1 tsp Baking Soda

Mix together and let it evaporate by leaving in a jar for a few hours.

Use electric toothbrush or do it manually.

* This is really good for removing old plaque and getting the teeth white without destroying the good bacteria.

* Not recommended to do on a daily basis. Do it only once a month (or twice at the most), because hydrogen peroxide can be quite astringent and it can pull back the gums.

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