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Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

Chapter 2 The Mechanism of Letting Go

What is it?

Letting go is like the sudden cessation of an inner pressure or the dropping of a weight. It is accompanied by a sudden feeling of relief and lightness. It is an actual mechanism of the mind, and everyone has experienced it. Think how great it would be if you could do that all of the time with any event. You could always feel free and never be cornered by your feelings again. That's what this technique is all about: letting go consciously and frequently at will. You are then in charge of how you feel. This is employing the basic teaching of the Buddha, which removes the pressure of involuntary reactivity.

If we take a close look at human life, we see that it is essentially one long elaborate struggle to escape our inner fears and expectations that have been projected upon the world. We have become afraid of our inner feeling because they hold such a massive amount of negativity that we fear we would be overwhelmed by it if we were to take a deeper look. We have a fear of these feelings because we have no conscious mechanism to handle the feeling. Because we are afraid to face them, they continue to accumulate and, finally we secretly begin looking forward to death to bring all of the pain to and end.

It is NOT thoughts that are painful but the feelings that accompany them. It is the accumulated pressure of feelings that causes thoughts.

If we could surrender that underlying painful feeling, all of those thoughts would disappear instantly and we would forget the event. This observation is in accord with scientific research. The Gray-LaViolette scientific theory integrates psychology and neurophysiology. Their research demonstrated that feeling tones organize thoughts and memory.

Thoughts are filed in the memory bank according to the various shades of feelings associated with those thoughts. Therefore, when we relinquish a feeling, we are freeing ourselves from all of the associated thoughts.

What is the surrendered state?

It means to be free of negative feelings in a given area so that creativity and spontaneity can manifest without interference of inner conflicts. It is to give others the greatest freedom. It allows us to experience the basic nature of the universe, which is to manifest the greatest good possible in a situation.

Feelings and Mental Mechanisms

1. Suppression and repression. Most common ways. Repression happens unconsciously. Suppression happens consciously. We don't want to be bothered by feelings and, besides, we don't know what else to do with them. We sort of suffer through them and try to keep functioning as best as we can. The pressure of suppressed feelings is later felt as irritability, mood swings tension in the muscles of the neck and back, headaches, cramps, menstrual disorders, colitis, indigestion, insomnia, hypertension, allergies, and other somatic conditions.


When we repress a feeling, it is because there is so much GUILT and fear over the feeling that it is not even consciously felt at all. It is instantly thrust into the unconscious as soon as it threatens to emerge. The repressed feelings is then handled in a variety of way to ensure that it stay repressed and out of awareness.

Of these mechanisms used by the mind to keep the feeling repressed, DENIAL and PROJECTION are perhaps the best-known methods, as they tend to go together and reinforce each other.

Denial results in major emotional and maturational blocks. It is usually accompanied by the mechanism of projection. Instead of feeling it, we project onto the world. We experience the feeling as if it belonged to them, and mind searches for justification to reinforce the projection. Blame is placed on people, places, institutions, food, climate, social conditions, and other things outside of ourselves.

Projection is the main mechanism in use the the world today. We maintain our own self-esteem at the expense of others. Eventually this results in social breakdown.

2. Expression. The feeling is vented and acted out in endless group demonstrations.

Many people today believe that expressing their feelings free them from the feelings. The facts are to the contrary.

Fist, the expression of a feeling tends to propagate that feeling and give it greater energy.

Second, the expression merely allows the remainder to be suppressed out of awareness.

Expressing oneself is now in vogue as a result of a misunderstanding of the work of Sigmund freud and psychoanalysis. The expression of negativity results in the deterioration and destruction of relationships. A far better alternative is to take responsibility for our own feelings and neutralize them. Then, only positive feelings remain to be expressed.

3. Escape. This avoidance is the backbone of the entertainment and liquor industries, and also the rout of the workaholic. Escapism of inner awareness is a socially condoned mechanism.

People are desperate to stay unconscious. The endless socializing, talking, reading, music playing, working, traveling, and cocktail-partying. Enormous amounts of energy are required to keep down the growing pressure of the suppressed and repressed feelings. There is a progressive loss of awareness and arrest of growth. There is a loss of creativity, and a halting of spiritual growth, and eventually the development of physical and emotional illness, aging, and premature death. Most of all, the effect is the inability to truly love and trust another person, which result in self-hatred.

What happens instead when we let go of a feeling? The energy behind the feeling is instantly surrendered and the net effect is decompression. The accumulated pressure begin to decrease as we constantly let go. The body's physiology changes There are detectable improvements in skin color, breathing, pulse, blood pressure, muscle tension gastro-intestinal function, and blood chemistries. In the state of inner freedom, all bodily functions and organs move in the general direction of normalcy and health. There is an immediate increase in muscle power. Vision improves and our perception of the world and ourselves changes for the better.

Feelings and stress

What is the essential cause of stress? Certainly it is not the external precipitating factors. There are merely examples of the mechanism we described as projection. The real source of "stress" is actually internal; it is not external, as people would like to believe. The readiness to react with fear, for instance, depends on how much fear is already present within to be triggered by a stimulus. If we let go of guilt, we will see innocence; however, a guilt-ridden person will see only evil. The basic rule is that we focus on what we have repressed.


Stress result from the accumulated pressure of our repressed feelings. The pressure seeks relief. External events only trigger what we have been holding down. The energy of our blocked-off feelings re-merges through our autonomic nervous system and causes pathological changes. A negative feeling instantly causes a loss of 505 of the body's muscle strength and also narrows our vision both physically and mentally.

Stress is our emotional reaction to a precipitating factor or stimulus. It is our degree of reactivity. The more surrendered we are, the less prone we are to stress.

The damage caused by stress is merely the result of our emotions. (See chapter 14)

Many stress-reduction program offered today often miss the essential point They try to relieve the after-effects of stress rather than remove the cause of the stress itself, of they concentrate on external events. Muscle tension is the aftermath of anxiety, fear, anger, and guilt. A course in the techniques of muscle relaxation is going to be very limited benefit. It would be far more effective to remove the source of the underlying tension, which is the repressed and suppressed anger, fear, guilt, or other negative feelings.

Live Events and Emotions

We are like pressure-cookers ready to release steam when the opportunity arises. Our triggers are set and ready to go off. If, through constant surrendering, we have let go of the pent-up store of anger, it is very difficult and in fact, even impossible for anyone or any situation to m"make" us angry. The same goes for all other negative feelings once they have been surrendered.

Because of social and conditioning in our society, people even suppress and repress their positive feelings. Suppressed love result in the broken heart of the heart attack. Suppressed love re-emerges as excessive adoration of pets and various forms of idolatry. True love is characterized by non-attachment and free of fear. Fear of loss energized undue attachment and possessiveness.

When the pressure of suppressed and repressed feelings exceeds the individual's tolerance level, the mind will create and event "out there" upon which to vent and displace itself the person with a lot of repressed grief will unconsciously create sad events in life. The angry person becomes surrounded by infuriating circumstance. The prideful person is constantly being insulted.

Emotions emit vibrations. Motion pictures using Kirlian photography, such as those done by pDr. Thelma Moss, show rapid fluctuations of the color and size of the energy field with changes of emotions. The energy fields has traditional been called an "aura" and can be seen by people who have been born with or learned the ability to see vibrations of that frequency. Muscle testing also demonstrates the energy changes that accompany emotions, as our body's muscles instantly respond to positive and negative stimuli. Thus our basic emotional states transmit themselves to the universe.

Life events becomes influenced by our repressed and suppressed emotions on the psychic level. The person who has let go of a lot of inner negativity is surrounded by loving thoughts, loving people. Because all living things are connected on vibrational energy levels, our basic emotional state is picked up and reacted to by all life forms around us. Even the growth of bacteria is affected by human emotions.

The Mechanism of Letting Go

Letting go involves being it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on lettingout the energy behind it.

The first step is to allow yourself to have the feeling without resisting it, venting it, fearing it, condemning it, or moralizing about it. It means to drop judgement and to see that it is just a feeling.

The technique is to be with the feeling and surrender all efforts to modify it in any way.

Let go of wanting to resist the feeling. It is resistance that keeps the feeling going.

When you give up trying to modify the feeling it will shift to the next feeling and be accompanied by a lighter sensation. A feeling that is not resisted will disappear as the energy behind it dissipates.

As you begin the process, you will notice that you have fear and guilt over having feelings; there will be resistance. A fear of fear is a prime example of this. Let go of the fear or guilt that you have about the feeling first, and then get into the feeling itself.

📝She noticed of a belief that she is guilty and deserves punishment. Depriving her of dignity as a form of punishment is the thing she is most afraid of.

Her fear of humiliation: She never humiliated anyone and always respected other people's freedom in this life. She has been very sensitive about those two things. (Perhaps she humiliated someone in the past, and she enslaved someone in some other past. She hasn't forgave herself of those crimes.)

She also believes she cannot be released from punishment because someone still hasn't forgave her and thinks she is a dangerous person and doesn't deserve freedom and must be kept on a leash (She hasn't forgave herself).

She had been deprived of freedom and received humiliation time and agin growing up.


When letting go, ignore all thoughts. Focus on the feeling itself. Thoughts only breed more thoughts. Thoughts are merely rationalizations of the mind try and explain the presence of the feeling.

The real reason for the feeling is the accumulated pressure behind the feeling that is forcing it to come up in the moment. The thoughts are only an excuse made up by the mind.

It will be noticed that all negative feelings are merely survival programs. The letting go technique undoes the programs progressively. Through that process, the underlying motive behind the feelings becomes more and more apparent.

TO BE SURRENDERED MEANS TO HAVE NO STRONG EMOTION ABOUT A THNG: "It's okay if it happens, and it's okay if it doesn't."

When we a re free, there is a letting go of attachments. We can enjoy a thing, but we don't need it for our happiness.

Sometimes we surrender a feeling and we notice that it returns or continues. This is because there is more of it yet to be surrendered. We have stuffed these feelings all of our lives and there can be a lot of energy pushed down that needs to come up and be acknowledged.

When surrender occurs, there is an immediate lighter, happier feeling, almost like a "high."

By continuously letting go it is possible to stay in that state of freedom. Feelings come and go, and eventually you realize that you are not your feelings, but that the real "you" is merely witnessing them. As you become more and more aware of the changeless witness within, you begin to identify with that level of consciousness. You become progressively primarily the witness rather than the experiencer of phenomena. You get closer and closer to the real Self and begin to see that you had been duped by feelings all along. Now you see that they are merely created by the ego, that collector of programs which the mind has mistakenly believed are necessary for survival.

The results of letting go are deceptively quick and subtle, but the effects are very powerful. Often we have let go but think that we haven't. It will be our friends who make us aware of the change. We don't realize how much the pile has gone down.

Resistance to Letting Go

Letting go of negative feelings is the undoing of the ego, which will be resistant at every turn. Which will be resistant at every turn. This may result in skepticism about the technique.

A sudden upsurge of escapism, or venting feelings by expressing and acting out. Let the resistance be there but don't resist the resistance. You are free. You don't have to let go. Nobody is forcing you. Look at the fear behind the resistance. What are you afraid of regarding this process? Keep letting go of every fear as it arise, and the resistance will resolve.

Let's not forget that we are letting go lf all the programs that have made us a slave and a victim for a long time. The ego is losing ground and will try tricks and bluffs. Once we start letting go, its das are numbered and its power is diminishing.

Letting go is a natural ability. It is not something new of foreign. It is not an esoteric teaching or somebody else's idea. We are merely utilizing our own inner nature to get free. it is not helpful to "think" about the technique. It's better, simply, just to do it.

Eventually it will be seen that all thoughts are resistance. Thoughts are fake, absurd make-beliefs that obscure the truth. We have had the experience of being totally absorbed in what we sere doing, when we scarcely noticed the passage of time. the mind was very quiet, and were simply doing without resistance or effort. We were very relaxed, although busy. We suddenly realized that we never needed al those thoughts after all.

Thoughts are like bait to a fish; if we bite at them, we get caught. It's best not to bite at the thoughts. Inside of us, but out of awareness, is the truth that "I already know everything I need to know." This happens automatically.

We keep letting go when life is not going too well and we are beset by unpleasant emotions. As we finally surrender our way out of it and all is well, then we stop letting go. This is a mistake because there is usually more to it.

Take advantage of the higher states and the momentum of letting go.

Keep on going because it will get better and better all the time. Letting go gains a certain momentum. It is easy to keep it going once it is started. The higher we feel, the easier it is to let go. There is always feeling to be let up and surrendered.

Sometimes you will feel stuck with a particular feeling. Simply surrender to the feeling of being stuck. Just let it be there and don't resist it. If it doesn't disappear, see if you can let go in bit and pieces.

Another block that may occur is the fear that if we let go of a desire for something, we won't get it. Some commonly held beliefs:

• We only deserve things through hard work.

• Suffering is beneficial

• We don't get anything for nothing

• Things that are very simple aren't worth much.

Letting go of some of these psychological barriers to the technique will allow an enjoyment of its effortlessness.


Chapter 3 The Anatomy of Emotions

The Goal of Survival

Every human desire seeks to ensure the survival of self and one's identified groups, such as family, loved ones, and country.

Human fear the loss of the capacity to experience. To that end, people are interested in the survival of the body because they believe that they are the body and, therefore, they need the body to experience their existence.

The mind is, therefore, a survival mechanism, and its method of survival is primarily the use of emotions.

Thoughts are engendered by the emotions and, eventually, emotions become shorthand for thoughts. Thousand and even millions of thoughts can be replaced by a single emotion.

There is a simple way to become conscious of the underlying emotional goal behind any activity through use of the question "What for?" With each answer, "What for?" is asked again and again and again until the basic feeling is uncovered.

Every activity or desire will reveal that the basic goal is to achieve a certain feeling.

There are no other goals than to overcome fear and achieve happiness.

Emotions are connected with what we believe will ensure our survival.

Emotions themselves are actually the cause of the basic fear that drives everyone to seek security constantly.

The Scale of Emotions

Briefly, everything emits energy, either positive or negative. All of life emit an energy that can be calibrated as to its essence and its degree of truth. "Like goes to like." The different energies constellate in "attractor patterns" or "levels of consciousness." Each level of consciousness (attractor pattern) is calibrated on a logarithmic scale of energetic power, ranging from 1 - 1,000. The level of Full Enlightenment (1,000), at the top of the Map, represents the highest level attainable in the human realm; it is the energy of Jesus christ, the Buddha, and Krishna.

The level of Courage (200) is the critical point that marks the shift from negative to positive energy. The levels of consciousness below Courage are destructive, whereas the levels above it are life-supportive.

Peace (600) Experienced as perfection, bliss, effortlessness, and oneness. State of non-duality and beyond the intellect, as in the "peace that passeth all understanding." Described as Illumination and Enlightenment. Rare in human realm.

Joy (540) Love that is unconditional and unchanging. The world illuminated by exquisite beauty, which is seen all things. The perfection of creation is self-evident. Closeness to unity and discovery of Self; compassion for all; enormous patience. A sense of self-completion and self-sufficiency prevails.

Love (500) Forgiving, nurturing. Does not proceed from the mind, it emanates from the heart. Focuses on the essence of a situation, not details. It deals with wholes, not particulars. As perception is replaced with vision, it takes no position and sees the intrinsic value and lovability of all that exists.

Reason (400) Differentiates humans from the animal world. The ability to see things in the abstract, to conceptualize, to be objective, and to make rapid decisions. Its enormous utility is problem solving.

Science, philosophy, medicine, and logic are expressions of this level.

Acceptance (350) This energy is easy-going, laid back, harmonious, flexible, inclusive, and free of inner resistance. "Life is good. You and I are good. I feel connected." It meets life on life's terms. There is no need to blame others or blame life.

Willingness (310) This energy subserves survival by virtue of a positive attitude that welcomes all expression of life. It is friendly, helpful, wants to assist, and seeks to be of service.

Neutrality (250) A way of life that is comfortable, pragmatic, and relatively free of emotionality. "It's okay either way." Free of rigid positions, nonjudgemental, and noncompetitive.

Courage (200) This energy says, "I can do it." It is determined, excited about life, productive, independent, and self-empowered. Effective action is possible.

Pride (175) "My way is the best way." Its focus is achievement, desire for recognition, specialness, and perfectionism. It feels superior to others.

Anger (150). Overcomes the source of fear by force, threats, and attack. It is irritable, explosive, bitter, volatile, and resentful. It likes to 'get even," as in "I'll show you."

Desire (125) Always seeking gain, acquisition, pleasure. It is insatiable, never satisfied, and craving. "I have to have it." "Give me what I want, and give it to me now!"

Fear (100) This energy sees "danger," which is "everywhere." It is avoidant, defensive, preoccupied with security, possessive of others, jealous, restless, anxious, and vigilant.

Grief (75) Helplessness, despair, loss, regret, and the feeling, "If only I had..." Separation. Depression. Sadness. Being a "loser." Mournful, as in "I can't go on."

Apathy (50) Hopelessness, playing dead, being a "drain" to others, being immobilized, and the feelings of "I can't: and "Who cares?" Poverty is common.

Guilt (30) In this energy field, one wants to punish and be punished. It leads to self-rejection, masochism, remorse, "feeling bad," and self-sabotage. "It's all my fault." Accident-proneness, suicidal behavior, and projection of self-hatred onto "evil" others are common. Basis of many psychosomatic illnesses.

Shame (20) Characterized by humiliation, as in "hanging your head in shame." Traditionally accompanied by banishment. It is destructive to health and leads to cruelty toward self and others.

The chakras are energy centers through which "kundalini energy" is said to flow, once it is awakened at the level of courage (200). On the Map of Consciousness, the chakras calibrate as follows:

Crown (600)

Third Eye (525)

Throat (350)

Heart (505)

Solar Plexus (275)

Sacral (275)

Root (200)

When we relinquish negative feelings, the energy in our higher chakras increases. This energy system has a direct impact on the physical body. The energy in each chakra flows out through channels called "meridians" to the whole energy body, which is like a blueprint to the physical boy. Each meridian is associated with a particular organ and each organ is associated with a particular emotion. For instance, depression, despair, and melancholy are associated with the liver meridian so these emotions tend to interfere with liver function. Every negative feeling impairs a body organ and, as the years go by, that organ becomes diseased and eventually fails to function.

All lower emotions are limitations and blind us to the reality of our true Self. As we surrender our way up to scale and near the top, a new type of experience begins to happen. At the very top of the scale, there occurs the realization of one's true Self. That which is impossible to see or experience at lower levels of consciousness becomes self-evident and stunnigly obvious at higher levels.

Understanding Emotions

All thoughts are filed according to feeling tone. The thoughts associated with even one feeling may literally run into the thousands.

For instance, certain areas of thoughts that tend to recur can be set aside and the feeling associated with them identified.

• Then feeling can be worked with by first accepting that it is there, without resisting it or condemning it.

• One begins to empty out the energy of the feeling directly by letting it be what it is until it runs out.

• Somewhat later, the former thoughts can now be looked at and their character will be observed to have changed. If the feeling has been totally surrendered and let go, usually all thoughts associated with it will have disappeared entirely and been replaced by a concluding thought which handles the matter quickly.

(Example: case of a man who misplaced his passport shortly before going to a foreign country. He identified the underlying emotion of fear of losing or weakening of the relationship due to his absence. Hid did the Letting Go technique and let go of the fear and associated grief. He concluded that if the relationship couldn't handle a two week absence, it wasn't worth all that much anyway; so there was really nothing at risk. He found the passport. )

Handling Emotional Crises

Because this is a very difficult problems for most people, some details are needed. there are several techniques to help move through emotional disaster much more quickly, and with better end result, than allowing it to run out on its own. Recall the usual mechanisms that the mind consciously uses to handle emotions:

- Suppression

- Expression

- Escape

In an overwhelm, it is often advisable to utilize them. These are deleterious only when they are used without conscious intent. So do it consciously. The purpose of this maneuver is to reduce the sheer overwhelming quantity of the emotion itself so that it can be disassembled and let go of in bits and pieces. Thus in this case it is all right consciously to push away as much of emotion as we are capable of at the moment. It is also alright in this circumstance consciously to utilize escape mechanisms.

When the feeling has been reduced in its sheer quantity and intensity, it is best to start letting go of small aspects of the situation rather than overall situation and accompanying emotion itself.

Example: a man who loses his job after many years with a company, and is now in an overwhelm of despair. By utilizing the three mechanisms already described, some of the emotion can be reduced. What he an look at, then, is are some of the small trivia about the job. Could he let go of wanting to have lunch where he always had lunch with his colleagues? Could he let go of riding up the same elevator? Could he let go of the attachment to his computer?

The purpose of surrendering these smaller aspects of losing a job is that it gets the mind into the letting go mode. The letting go mode takes us up to the level of Courage: the negative feelings have been acknowledged and worked through; consequently, they've lost their charge.

Suddenly there is the awareness that we have the courage to face the situation, recognize our feelings, and do something about them. As the trivia are surrendered, the main event becomes less and less oppressive.

When we use the mechanism of surrender on one emotion, we are surrendering on all emotions at the same time. It is as though all emotions have the same underlying energy, so that to surrender in one direction surrenders feelings which appear to be in an opposite direction. This is a matter of clinical experience; it must be tried personally in order to believe it.

• Suppression

• Expression

• Escape

Surrender or smaller aspects (4th method)

• Fifth method: Every strong emotion is really a composite of a number of subsidiary emotions and the total emotional complex can be disassembled.

The man who has lost his job initially has an overwhelming feeling of despair; but as he begins to surrender around the periphery, and as he diminishes his overwhelm through consciously utilizing escape, suppression, and expression, he now realizes that there is also anger. There is a lot of anger in the form of resentment. There is self-invalidation, which is a form of anger expressed against himself. Anger is associated with pride. There is also considerable fear.

These associated emotions can now be addressed directly. For instance, he can start letting go of the fear that he won't find another job. When that fear is acknowledged and let go, all the alternate possibilities that exist will become suddenly apparent to him. As he surrenders pride, he will quickly see that he is not faced with economic disaster as he had though.

📝日本語ではself esteemに当たる言葉がない。Pride/誇りと表現してしまう。命より誇りを守る事を美化してきた文化。⇐ lack of self esteem. 死刑判決が存在する国。⇐ lack of self-compassion

Fragments of the emotional complex may recur for a period of time, even years; however, because they are now small fragments, each can be handled as it arises. At least the crisis situation will have been passed through safely and consciously.

Until the underlying emotion is surrendered, the thoughts will be engendered endlessly. We all know of people who had an emotional crisis many year ago and, to this day, have not recovered. It has totally colored their life. They have paid a big price for their lack of know-how in handling the underlying emotions.

The crisis has forced it up to be relinquished and, therefore, the amount that is left in the reservoir is much less. There is a greater feeling of self-esteem and confidence because there is the awareness that one can survive and handle whatever life will bring. There is an overall reduction of the fear of life, a greater compassion for the suffering, and an increased ability to help them through similar circumstances.

Every life crisis carries within it the kernels of a reversal, a renewal, a leap in consciousness, and letting go of the old and a birth of the new.

Healing the Past

We see that residual of past life crises which are still unresolved. Thoughts and feeling about the events tend to occur and color our perception. It is wise to ask if it is worth paying the continuing const. It is said that most people spend their lives regretting the past and fearing the future; therefore, they are unable to experience joy in the present. Many of us have assumed that this is our human fate.

One of the most effective tools for handling the past is the creation of a different context. What this means is that we give it a different meaning. We take on a different attitude about the past difficulty or trauma, and acknowledge the hidden gift in it. The value of this technique was first recognized in psychiatry by Viktor Frankl. he explained the approach --- which he called "Logotherapy" --- in his famous book, Man's Search for Meaning. Frankl told of his won experience in the Nazi concentration camps wherein he came to see his physical and psychic suffering as an opportunity to achieve inner triumph. Frankl re-contestualized the horrific circumstances to hold profound meaning for the human spirit.

Jung said that in the unconscious there was an aspect of ourselves called the "shadow." The shadow is all the repressed thoughts, feelings and concepts about ourselves that we do not want to face. One benefit of a crisis is that it often brings us into familiarity with our shadow. It makes us more human and more whole to realize what we share with all of humanity. All the stuff that we thought"they" were guilty of is equally in ourselves. Thus, when it is brought up to conscious awareness, acknowledged, and surrendered, it no longer unconsciously runs us. Once the shadow has been acknowledged, it loses its power. All that is necessary is merely to recognize that we have certain forbidden impulses, thoughts and feelings. Now, they can be handled with a "So what?"

Passing through a life crisis, then, makes us more human, more compassionate, more accepting and understanding of ourselves and others. We no longer have to indulge in making others wrong or making ourselves wrong. Handling an emotional crisis leads to greater wisdom and results in lifetime benefits.

Fear of life is really the fear of emotions. It is not the facts that we fear but our feelings about them. Once we have mastery over our feelings, our fear of life diminishes. We are willing take greater chances because we now feel that we can handle the emotional consequences, whatever thy might be. Because fear is the basis of all inhibitions, mastery over fear means that unblocking of whole avenues of life experience.

One benefit from a life crisis is greater self-awareness. The situation is overwhelming, and we are forced to stop all of our diversionary games, take a good look at our life situation, and re-evaluate our beliefs, goals, values, and life direction. It is an opportunity to re-evaluate and let go of guilt. Will we choose to be healed, or will we become one of the walking wounded."

Anger. Hatred. Self-pity. Resentments. They all have their cheap little payoff, that little inner satisfaction. Let's not pretend that it's not there. There is a weird, quirky pleasure when we hang on to pain. It certainly satisfies our unconscious need for the alleviation of guilt through punishment. The part of us that wants to cling to negative emotions is our smallness. It is the part of us that is mean, petty, selfish, competitive, cheap, conniving, mistrusting, vindictive, judgmental, diminished, weak, guilty, ashamed, and vain. It has little energy; it is depleting, demeaning, and leads to the lowering of self-respect. It is the small part of us that accounts for our own self-hatred, unending guilt, and seeking for punishment, sickness, and disease. Is that the part with which we want to identify? Is that the part we want to energize" Is that the way we want to see ourselves?

Enhancing Positive Emotions

The corollary to letting go of negative feelings is to stop resisting the positive ones. A very good exercise is to sit down and look at the feeling that is directly opposite the negative one that we are experiencing and being to let go resisting it. As we keep letting go of our resistance to being a forgiving person, it is often surprising that it will come up with a surge. We will begin to recognize that prt of our nature has always been willing and wanting to forgive, but we didn't dare chance it. We want to heal the separation, to repair the wound, to make good the wrong, to express gratitude, and to take a chance on being thought a fool.

The purpose of this exercise is to locate within ourselves that which can only be described as greatness. Greatness is the courage to overcome obstacles. It is the willingness to move to a higher level of love. It is the acceptance of other's humanness and having compassion for their suffering by putting ourselves in their shoes. Out of self-forgiveness comes the relief of guilt. The real payoff we get is when we let go of our negativity and choose to be loving.

With this increased awareness of who we really are comes the progressive invulnerability to pain. Once we compassionately accept our won humanness and that of others, we are no longer subject to humiliation, for true humility is a part of greatness.

Out of the recognition of who we really are comes the desire to seek that which is uplifting. Out of it arises a new meaning and context for life.

When that inner emptiness, due to lack of self-worth, is replaced by true self-love, self-respect and esteem, we no longer have to seek it in the world, for the source of happiness is within. It dawns on us that it cannot be supplied by the world anyway. No amount of riches can compensate for an inner feeling of poverty.

When we utilize these techniques of relinquishing the negative and surrendering resistance to the positive, sooner or later we come into a sudden, comprehensive awareness of our true dimension.

once this has been experienced, it will never be forgotten. the world will never intimidate us again as it once did. There may be continued compliance with the ways of the world out of sheer habit, but the inner driveness, the inner vulnerability, and the inner doubt is now gone.

Our inner nature is now bullet proof. We are able to go through life with balance and GRACE.


It is an exponential model (to the base 10) that evolved out of a composite of decades of research in a variety of fields. It documents the first time that these energy fields have ever been calibrated. When referring to consciousness, we are describing those energy fields.

What the world calls Enlightenment calibrates from 600 to 1,000. Enlightenment means that one has transcended duality and identification with the small, personal self. The average person (if they calibrate over 200) can verify these numbers by using the simple system of muscle testing. These calibrations have been verified worldwide by many people for decades.

  • Level of Energy Field: What a person generally means when they talk about 'me' or 'myself'

  • Emotion: that accompanies these levels.

  • Process: what goes on in consciousness.

  • View of the wold

  • Perception of God

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